It all makes sense now. I also would have felt an insane sense of regret after shitting out a turd like this. I mean...

It all makes sense now. I also would have felt an insane sense of regret after shitting out a turd like this. I mean, he has to know that this is the end of his career there's no fucking way that normalfags will be okay with this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>cut to blacked

really, Cuckmann?

What a pretentious fuck. Holy shit.

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what's pretentious about it

he's not pretending, he's actually a little bitch

Why is Sony like this? Why can't they just make a video game like they used to

I can't wait for the seethe when TLOU2 is a huge success.

was mostly meant for

>umm did you guys know... that... revenge... IS BAD
>T_____T :(:(:(

hi neil

It's kinda a meme

let's go

Attached: 1587986935161.jpg (589x466, 43.81K)

>"shooting a scene" in a videogame

Attached: 1467361162152.png (351x351, 166.83K)

roll credits

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take your meds

What meme? All movies cut to black when they end.

treating game making like movie making you don't "shoot" scenes in games like you are a movie director

Who? What game?

Thing is, you know that they're going to go crazy for it because of "muh grafix"

>he doesn't end his movie on a freeze frame -> fade to black

taste the rage lmao

I bet you like movies that start with an alarm clock user.

TLOU2 got leaked.

They are killing off both, Joel and Ellie by a "girl" who's build like a fridge.

>be normal human person who doesn’t engage in violent feuds
>play apocalypse survival game, looking the thrill of conflict by engaging in fictional violence
>turns out the game’s entire point is not to be violent
>the game repeatedly drills in a theme of violence being wrong
>the big revelation the game revolves around and every scene points to, is that you shouldn’t have done anything and violence is bad
>game acts like this is a biblical revelation you’re supposed to say ‘oh dang’ at
Terrible idea for a game. Not only pretentious, but it undermines the entire gameplay in a way that fills the game with a lot of pointless grief. ‘It’s not about fun’ though, it’s about feeling shame

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>posting the fake

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lol today in most shitty hollywood movies they are shot exactly the same.

Ellie and her nose gf are still alive faggot

So......... WHAT? So fucking what? So... (be excited the game is coming out!)? So... (Pat me on the back!)? So... (I don’t have anything to say, I just wanted to take a picture of a blank fucking piece of paper and trail off while I’m showing it to you, because I felt like it!)??? Probably the last one

Oh, this is just another TLOU2 thread.

Change Neil Druckmann to Greg Lansky

Is it worth crunching for 7 years when people only care about cutscenes? Is it that hard to make movies that you make cinematic video games?

pretending as if you're one hell of a "self-proclaimed" movie director or some celebrity fag with talent which he clearly doesn't have.

this is the one.

jesus, someone forget their meds

This, it’s like making hentai about how fucking little girls is wrong.

Movie game confirmed.

hopefully he fucking starts making movies for real


All Uncharted games and TLOU have mediocre generic gameplay. Seriously, TLOU is a cover shooter with rudimentary stealth elements and a crafting system, it's as cookie cutter as it gets.

>he doesn’t have animated credits