Touhou thread

Hey hey people, sseth here, just letting you know if you didn't finish your 1cc you're a piece of shit.

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sseth touhou video when

You aren't sseth. you are a faggot.

Prove me wrong.

It was the bonus spell talk, i can't just post an image of the ending, that would be rude!

Does normal 1cc count or is this lunatic only thread?

Normal counts because a 70% something of touhou players haven't even finished a 1cc on normal.

If your you've completed normal you can at least consider yourself chinese, maybe even Italian. Let's not get carried away though.

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I tired to beat The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil on normal back in like 2014 and quit after getting destroyed by Remilia. Should I kill myself?

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Post your 1ccs then?

suicide is for pussies.
be a real man and get that 1cc

just go to options and increase the amount of lives you start with

does it even still count though?
with 7 lives you practically did a 2cc.

EoSD sucks so yeah it counts.

>does it even still count though?
no. don't listen to that shitter, coping with his inability to improve

>does it even still count though?
yes, you still get the good ending

i mean what is there to talk about
you fly forward and shoot things

Why the fuck did Zun think grazing for life pieces would be a good idea? Getting lives on LoLK is so fucking annoying on Normal

>Why the fuck did Zun think grazing for life pieces would be a good idea?
Because it encourages players to play skillfully if they want them.

at least it's not bad as UFO's gimmick

Not really. It's really not that hard to get grazes in LoLK with shitton of bullets and a streaming section every 2 minutes, especially on higher difficulties

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>shit ton of bullets everywhere even on normal
>grazing wasn't just for lives but with could stop power-ups from dropping as well
the problem is? LoLK is one of the best in the franchise for just being a shmup instead of layering gimmicks everywhere (unlike TD and DDC)

Certainly harder than getting free cherry borders

one thing I have to say about 15 is absolutely fuck the "falling star" bullets that start appearing in stage 3. The perspective makes them so obnoxious to avoid and they get hidden by all your bullets. They fall in a straight line but it is still so annoying to position yourself right without purely memorizing the screen

oh god I'm retarded. I was thinking of mof.

The music, the lore, the fanworks

lol the only winning move is not to play Touhou

I always end up dying trying to get enough graze in some sections, I imagine it's not as bad on higher difficulties, since there are more bullets on the screen.

I kinda like UFOs, it feels really nice when you manage to chain them, but I do agree that dying to a stray bullet because you were paying attention to UFOs is one the worst feelings in any Touhou game.

LoLK was great until the Extra stage. Good job ruining a good touhou game Hecatia!

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>t. Marisa

Some of DDC's gimmicky spells were pretty fun though. I liked the idea of spells based around bullet size but ZUN fucked it up for every character thats not Reimu. But I would still like to see ZUN do another gimmick boss from time to time, especially since normal spell cards are starting to get repetative. Almost every pattern in WBaWC and HSiFS feel similar to another pattern from an earlier game

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>not stage 4 where you have LIGHT PINK bullets on a near WHITE background

Looks at this dude that can't handle the moons.