We trigger Yas Forums
We trigger Yas Forums
>having any of your digits anywhere close to the reciprocating charging handle
That stance... could it be...
LOL totally triggered XD
Very based
I hate anime, well done.
Not vidya related but it works
"Did you win son?"
fuck you
The Yas Forums split from /vg/ dd not in any way, shape, or form achieve its stated goals at any point in time and in fact simply permitted more space for shit threads to be posted here while the absolute worst excesses of generals threads were unchecked by Yas Forums, while still stealing what little ground for OC there was.
This is the actual reason for things like wojack sticking around as long and prolifically as it has: You gulaged all your shitty artists because you didn't like talking about video games on the video game board.
Mr. Hiroshimoot, tear down this wall.
There, how's that for triggering?
i don't get it. is this some kind of new tacticool grip
Beaver style: instead of letting your bones absorb the recoil, let your girly cuteness take it.
pedos want to be considered Yas Forums culture by newfags when people are supposed to want to BE the little girl not WITH a little girl
It's been around for a long time
why not both
is this supposed to be a joke? I'm illiterate when it comes to /k/
>not both
What's the point?
While we're at it: ME3 has three colour filiters not endings, and yes Spore really was that game we all fucking wanted before half the team became batshit insane and decided we actually really wanted five bad flash games strung together, and they actually threw away a lot of done work to achieve this.
>hand cupping the mag
i mean i get the picture but i have a hard time believing anyone would do that
no. look at their hands
I cup my balls while masturbating. I assume its the same principle.
t-thanks for the reminder....
no. it's the best way to support a rifle in a standing position
Time ghosts are a genius concept that added a much needed layer of depth to the remake and Yas Forums isn't intelligent enough to understand because they're conservatives and conservatives are retarded.
fwiw that works because those shooting jackets are like crazy bondage straitjackets that help you support a gun in weird postures like that. It doesn't really work properly with normal clothing.
It's from Twitter for any one who cares. Some artist drew that and another person told him it wasn't anatomically correct and that "hands dont work that way" so he took a picture of himself doing the same exact pose with his hands with his own gun to prove him wrong.
>anime picture
I bet you those arent even guns. probably some laser shit because they look like their in a classroom
Soijack posting
Work in progress? Anyone got more bad ideas?
>newfag wasn't around when we had /l/
I read this once 6-7 years ago and i've been seething ever since
I know about /l/ but it is gone for a reason
>It doesn't really work properly with normal clothing.
it works just fine, but not as well as it does with a jacket
why do i get a "this guy probably abuses his wife" feeling whenever i see this guy