Normally things get worse for me over time and I start thinking about them but FF7R just keeps getting better...

Normally things get worse for me over time and I start thinking about them but FF7R just keeps getting better. "1:1"fags, keep seething, the rest of us are going to enjoy THE UNKNOWN JOURNEY.

Attached: press_triangle_to_cry.webm (634x532, 2.36M)

What's based negro upset about now

This is objectively state of the art writing and no amount of seething can prove otherwise

Attached: BennyHill.webm (854x472, 2.78M)

>the rest of us are going to enjoy the inferior product with asspulls left right and centre to justify having to pay multiple times for a single game

okay zoomer

1:1 fags seething, your precious OG game will never have Numen

Attached: NoooNotTheRenorino.webm (626x320, 2.9M)

this is like the most out of context clip, is he upset there's a triangle button? old ff7 had all kinds of things, is he so happy he's crying?

why is he wearing a VR headset?

He's upset that it's not classic gameplay. He's a very special kind of hater, in a world where normal people get upset at stupid plot changes, there's the exceptional autismo wearing a naruto band who cries because he needs to hold triangle

Based OGfans... i mean time jannies

Fuck off no one cares

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Looks like... a shill thread

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I found the hold triangle prompts a little finicky at times but nothing to whine like a bitch over.

Probably overreacting to needing to hold down triangle when all it should be is a single press of the button.

I heard it mentioned somewhere that the parts of the game where you had to hold triangle and crawl through tight spaces was the games method of hiding loading screens.

You don't understand, he's the ultimate purist. He has transcended the mortal realm. His power level is immense, and that's before he even activates Sage of the Sixt Path Xenogears mode.

(I think he's fun to watch and he's probably exaggerating on purpose)

Because you have to hold triangle
Which is shit game design only there to "immerse" you into it but its just shit lets be real

Yeah, these things just replace loading screens.
On the other hand there are ZERO QUICK-TIME EVENTS.

>crawl through tight spaces was the games method of hiding loading screens.
That's exactly what they are for They happen so often it becomes obvious.

yeah that's really foolish to be upset over at all, you'd think someone of his power level would appreciate it more.

Honestly, out of all of ff7 remake..the "hold" to pull down a fucking lever is probably the dumbest fucking thing the game has.

that's totally foolish of you to say in the context of ff7 or the remake, if you want a life simulator play sims or something, the game is self aware and those triangles are put in there as a design choice in the least. Anyway I'll just continue enjoying the ride.

>le time changing ghosts

Nomura is a fucking retard, he should be banished to only make KH shit ever again.

Y'know what sucks about them though? This wrecks PC ports. Because if it takes 10 seconds to load the next area on a 5400rpm laptop drive in a PS4, they make the animation take 15 seconds. So you put 8 Intel Optanes in a RAID 0 in your penis extension PC, and it loads the next section in 50milliseconds, but you still have to wait for 15 because "muh clever load screen hiding animations."

>50 seconds of him pinching his nose in disgust
>When it would only have taken him 2 seconds to hold triangle to get to the next area

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these complaints hold no water i see people spamming it and it's like yeah and what's your point?

If it does it consistently it would be useful as a contextual clue. Press Triangle to interact with this thing, or HOLD Triangle to activate the scripted cutscene that you can't come back from.

It's no big deal either, I am more bothered by the amount of ladders

I'm pretty sure if someone cuts and patches together all of the game ladders and time wasters you can get a good 1 hour of footage

feels good being a manachad

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get help.

>Time Jannies are bad they weren't in the original game
Oh you mean like the Cloud Ghosts. Yeah those make way more sense than the Time Jannies.
As well as other shit during disc 1.
I mean you literally can see the outside world in OG FF7 but you can't in the Remake.
No outrage there.

>this is good writing according to shills
>this improves the game

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the time jannies are actually part of the morrowind universe in a way, these concepts are deep, but i don't want to give it away, on a psychological level these things impact humanity in strange ways down the personal level and you'll understand one day.

>Alternate timelines exist in the original game.
Here you're just regulated to more character specific timelines.
You get a timeline where you did or did not do side shit.
You get a different timeline with Jessie
You get a different timeline with Madam M or Sam
You get a different scenario with the Trio of your group
You get a different timeline where up to 9 different fucking dresses exist
Then you got a timeline where you climb stairs or you went through the elevator.
They already confirmed this a long ass time ago. Where Aerith dying is the True Happy Ending where all humanity goes extinct.
That FFVII and FFX are tied.
Oh but you don't care you were never a fan. You just here to complain about someone that lives in your head rent free.

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