I guess the time jannies arent that bad after all right?

I guess the time jannies arent that bad after all right?

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Time Jannies were the good guys, now Square is free to completely fuck up the rest of FF7 however they please

This. Leave it to Yas Forums brainlets to hate the very characters trying to give them their previous 1:1 remake. Why can't Yas Forums understand the simplest plots?

They were a bit on the nose, but in terms of narrative direction, I love it. They did a serious story back then, they're allowed to get a bit meta now.

at least the kalm flashback should be pretty 1:1 right? its in the past so time ghost/sephiroth fuckery cant change it.

>Sir, Cid Highwind is refusing to beat Shera again
>I'll send a team in minutes, hang on

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holy shit


Hold on Aerith, a plot ghost is coming any moment now

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>Sir, Mr.Cloud's actions do not follow the script again. He says he doesn't want to get raped this time around
>This is a type 4 emergency, sending reinforcements

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How would the time Jannies fix TLOU?

>What do you mean Red XIII did not try to rape Aeris? YOU'RE FIRED!

Revive Joel like they revived Barret.


>Make pretty faithful recrations of the original games scenes
>Shove in a thousand fucking plot ghosts flying around messing with it to make it happen like the original game
>Even though sometimes the writter has to deliberately convolute the story to justify their presence since it would have just gone like original without them anyway
>In the completely original content like the path to the second boming or the expanded sewers/train graveyard dungeons they don't show up even once

What was the point of these fuckers? To completely ruin otherwise faithful scenes with ghost fuckery? Cause I hate everything about them.

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Cloud, why don't you make out with this loli? It's the only way.

But aren't they gone for good now? Wasn't that the entire point of the last chapter? They kill the time jannies so they become free to change their own story from now on.

They really are very inconsistent. Why did it take them so long to kill Wedge anyway? Why didn't they stop the entirety of Chapter 4 since all of it is brand new? Why did they allow all those people in Sector 7 to evacuate if that doesn't happen in the original at all? How about the new NPCs like Madam M or Sam that have nothing to do with any character from the original, why are they allowed to exist?

They should

More memes of jannies?

I didn't even think about this but now you've made me even more confused, in a good way. While main scenes are more or less recreated faithfully, there is a lot of side stuff that changed and the ghosts pretty much did nothing about it. It would have been hilarious if the appeared during the dance number to stop it because it is too far from the canon, yet they did nothing. Apparently they only show up to deal with "important events" but that's such a subjective criteria it might as well be useless.

They only really fuck with things if it would for sure fuck up events directly. They were willing to put up with Wedge still being around until he actively went to go affect events at the Shinra building at which point they threw his fat ass out of a window.

>Apparently they only show up to deal with "important events" but that's such a subjective criteria it might as well be useless.
This was my conclusion as well, but it still makes no sense. Why didn't they even attempt to stop the party from entering the portal and killing the Harbinger of Fate? That is easily the biggest change in the story, it's the one that changes both the past and future.

Yeah, but how do they know what events shouldn't be fucked with? We, as viewers, know what the major story beats of Final Fantasy 7 are, in a meta context at least, but they as characters inside the story shouldn't know what counts as important and not important, not even counting shit like the butterfly effect where Cloud could eat an ice cream cone one day instead of being where he needs to be to or risk mssing the boat or something, do they throw his ice cream to the ground? If he refused to go forward or got lost would they straight up fly his ass to the next plot point? And how do you define what a plot point is? Do they really need to visit Fort Condor the first time around? Does Wutai counts as a plot point or not since it's optional? The more I think about them, the less they make sense, in-universe I mean, in a meta-narrative context they make some sense, I guess.

This also makes me wonder. Considering how in control they were previously and how everything went more or less as the original game one would imagine they would have safeguards against this kind of shit.

The answer is Nomura LOVES weird stories full of vague nonsense themes like "fate," and wanted to put a bunch of convoluted alternate timeline/possible time travel shit in there to be subversive for the sake of being subversive.

At the end of the day the jannies aren't as much of a detriment to the story overall. They make some scenes look dumb, but once you accept the game is gonna have a different plot to the original they just feel like an unnecessary plot device to establish that the story is gonna be changed. I'm perfectly fine with it being a re imagination of the original, but the story elements presented in part 1 have the potential to get really messy like KH if Nomura leans too heavily on them.

They only seem to care about the main crew. Random people are irrelevant. As long as the main story goes as it should, it's fine, they don't care about small differences. They only interfere if the timeline's about to drastically change. People surviving/dying in Midgar doesn't change anything for the events of the game. Jessie/Biggs/Wedge matter because they're close to Cloud and the gang.

The Arbiters of Fate have already seen the original timeline, they know exactly how it goes down. They've seen it all the way. That's how they know. They do their best not to interfere (so minor differences exist) but interfere when they realize it's absolutely necessary which sometimes is a little late (Hojo managed to tell us a little bit of Cloud's past before the interruption).

>People who actually like Nomura's writing
He's on the same level as that guy who did "Lost" and then went on to co-write Prometheus which was also vague and required you to buy the hyper-extended edition to get any grasp on the rest of whatever the shit you saw in cinema. I mean christ, weren't people saying how KH3 needed that DLC to explain stuff? I only ever played 1 and 2 and none of the extras.

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kill the black girl from the DLC before she met ellie
everything now falls into place as ellie no longer has a fear of men

They probably won’t even include it. They’ll tell the story in a cutscene or something.

They already changed Zack so the past CAN be changed. But the ghosts are likely gone now so they can't change anything anymore.

You mean Jar Jar Abrahms?

Post more fate janny memes

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There are no extras in KH. Every game matters. You played like 20% of a series and think you can comment on its story.

Alright, but am I right about the DLC?

Sephiroth bitchslapping that dragon is going to be some anime ass bullshit this time around.

After this TLOU2 leak, time jannies seem like a minor thing to be upset about.

Somewhat. KH3 works without it but it does help since there are still loose ends that the DLC ties up. KH3 + DLC ties up the first saga mostly but KH isn't over yet so they're leaving a bunch of unexplained stuff for later.