If you think KOTOR 1 is superior to KOTOR 2 then you're a nazi

If you think KOTOR 1 is superior to KOTOR 2 then you're a nazi.

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Can't wait to laugh my ass off to this. I already heard some of his arguments and they're hysterical.

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When did he say that?

Hbomberguy is Rian Johnson's homunculus

I bet:
1. you like KOTOR 1
2. you're a nazi incel

so this is what the alt left look like....powerful.......very aryan.....woah..

Why do all leftists look like absolute bugmen?

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>HBG videos where he defends the prequels

This will be fun.

God I hate this ugly onions faggot

no you're just a fucking idoit with bad taste. KOTOR 2 is a seminal WRPG where you still remember like all the dialogue years after playing it. KOTOR 1 is an above average typica; BIOWARE RPG with like a few standout elements like Jolee Bindo or the Korriban sith academy story line

How does anyone support this actual basedboy? he looks like if anyone says an offensive joke about blacks or trannys he will immediately post their entire dox onto twitter

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Please call him HBO, it's more fitting.
I suggest you search on youtube the arguments he's already made, they're not on his channel but somebody uploaded them.


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They don't care about being aryan, looking like a blobfish means you're doing well in the cultural melting pot of genetics.

Hey, at least he acknowledges it'll all be over.

Why do all rightists look look like scrawny, glasses wearing, betas?

But the Prequels are good.

>raises hundreds of thousands of pounds for an extremely creepy charity called 'Mermaids' the lops kid's dicks off

Great mysteries of our time

This guy watches naruto porn.

How is that shit legal? Can't one make the argument that children can't consent to those procedures?

he could atleast do mewing 2bh

more like the very alt right. The normal right dont look like those creaturas

It would be the other way round mate, Yas Forums likes KOTOR 2 and not 1 thus whatever Yas Forums likes is nazi shit.
Remember "literally who" is a nazi dogwhistle to him.

>Literally just posting spoilers in Totally unrelated threads


50y diet have consequences in your body

its photoshopped dont worry

I'm conservative and prefer KOTOR 2.

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And the normal left doesn't look like your strawman.

based maulerchad

In clown world a 10 year old is not mature enough to make any decisions unless that decision is to have drastic surgery and hormone treatment to mutilate their bodies in irreversible ways

>7500 patrons

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Instead of shilling yourself on v how about you gtfo Harris ?

Mauler destroyed him with a surgical precision. No wonder he bans all mention of that name, refuses to talk about it. Lol

>the truth makes you a nazi
I've noticed this, too.

oh shit i forgot you werent replying to me.

is me

not me.

But yeah thats why i said the mentally ill ALT left trannys


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The tranny kills Joel so what are you talking about?

To be fair it was not hard at all.

the chad right wing daddy oppressor vs the leftist boipussy slut

You should take your meds.

>Daily Mail

I was ready to take this seriously, but now I can't.

They're not talking about you.

doesnt matter since cuck(((mann))) is going to kill himself once sony looks at the entire shit story

Like you fucking chuds look any better.
We are still way more successful then you will ever be.