>he watches other people playing games when he can play it
why the fuck zoomers do this?
He watches other people playing games when he can play it
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Dumb sissy white obi.
I'm a boomer and I do it, but only vinny. I only do it because I have wrist problems that I can't seem to fix so it's kind of the only way I can enjoy vidya.
sometimes you want to see others people suffer the same way you did
You have to buy games to play them. Watching streams is free.
Some people can provide a different perspective on games I enjoy. pic related
damn, would I love to see her get BLACKED.
>he has only one monitor
No one just watches a stream on their main screen dumbass. You do it while you play something, and you watch a stream of something that is interesting enough to watch but not enough to waste money on
Don't have the energy to game all day myself. More comfy to have other people do it for me.
t. boomer
Is this girl frigid?
>You have to buy games to play them
you're both a poorfag and too dumb to pirate
The same reason zoomers like to watch black dudes bang their girlfriends
I can't play games on consoles I don't own, retard.
Plus, sometimes it's fun to see someone elses impression of a game you've enjoyed.
Americans are very strong in this thread
I finished control on jewtube after falling 3 time trying to make the final jump after the last boss.
Because they never grew up in a time when you would invite your friends round to your home to play a new game, even if it was a single player.
Because I need something to do instead of my job. When I get home ill be gaming myself. Fuck watching knobbers game if I ain't getting paid to do it
Everyone of those "Americans" are Hispanic
I got bored of the last batman tank mission's and just watched the movie version.
>yuropoor seethes over america and praises moslems
It's self-parody at this point.
Because some games I can't play
you mean the majority of americans in a decade?
I'm 62 years old and play games all day everyday wtf is wrong with you young uns
i only watch Asmongold, and not for the gameplay
Asmondgold is a fucking moron. I don''t want to listen to a idiot with fetal alcohol syndrome talk about stupid shit for an hour
There are a few reasons to watch someone else play a game, perosnally I like to see how others play a game I played myself.
There are also games where there isn't much point on playing it again yourself, since it has no replay value but you do like the characters/story/etc. like Ace Attorney.
And then there are games that just because you can play them, doesn't mean you should. Like Detroit: Become Human.
now you're getting it
I'm sure you'd like that, cuck. It's nice to have dreams regardless of how delusional they are.
>he doesn't do both and pretends he likes a thing
Just because I enjoy Hermitcraft, for example, doesn't mean I'm not enjoying playing Minecraft myself. In fact, that's a tell for exactly what's going on. I watch what I feel like playing because I want more of it than I'm willing to do.
Seeing people enjoy something you do is just as fun as playing it yourself if you truly like it. Not to mention it can give you ideas for playing it yourself (especially true in the case of something like Minecraft but it can apply to many games if you feel like replaying).
On the opposite end, the times I've lost inspiration or ideas meaning I stopped playing, I mostly stopped watching the Hermitcraft players too.
Similarly I've now totally lost interest in SMM2 thanks to the final update not including SMB 2 USA. So I stopped watching people like Ryu and Poo. I no longer give a fuck about any of it. Same with modern Pokémon so I've not just stopped watching but mostly unsubbed from almost everyone who even remotely touched it because most of them bought Shit and Shite and told Game Fuckup that was okay.
If you don't watch then you don't like it as much as someone who does. You're just whining at people who like things more than you.