Why would someone buy this garbage? Like what's the appeal here? I seriously don't get it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

because people liked ellie and want to see more of her

>Five main seethe thread in a row

Wait so Ellie didn't die huh?

Try and stop us

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she's the final boss and you play as the "girl" who kills joel

ff7r has almost 30

she does

I didn't play the first game.

If I want an OTS shooter I'll play Uncharted
If I want a good story I'll play The Witcher 3
If I want good graphics I'll play God of War
If I want zombies I'll play Resident Evil

What did this game series do that's considered so revolutionary?

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Clearly naughty dog appealed to the wrong demographic and is missing out on what could possibly be the best trap survival apocalypse game out there.

It's LGBTQ+ approved!

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>N-no y-you're mad!


Anybody got a link to the Joel beating scene?

Anyone else seeing the reeeeing out on twitter? I’ve been checking ign and tlou2 hashtag and the seething is hilarious. I’d check plebbit too but I can barely navigate through twitter I don’t think I’ll be able to navigate through plebbit.

Underaged and soitards got Ellie's tatoo, how will they react ?

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Video related is post-fight, Dina has a entry/exit wound from the scar. Ellie leaves to go after Abby, Abby is looking for remaining fireflies(?)
Dina also mentions dealing with “you(Ellie)” and “him”, is the boy the baby that she was rumored to be pregnant with? Maybe this takes place some time after the fight with Abby/Ellie, would explain why Ellie’s arm is okay too

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Well those people are going to be disappointed. Because she gets the shit beaten out of her.

I watched the Webm where the tranny beats the shit out of her. It's pretty unlikely she's dead

I don't even know the basic story of the first story apart from a basic premise.

>If I want a good story I'll play The Witcher 3

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So there are fights we havent even seen. God I hope Ellie actually goes terminator mode and likes kills the kid to get back at Abby

the game ends with Ellie dying lol, she is the final boss and you play as the blonde tranny

Its better than some games, even if it is more or less an interactive novel. The arc where you have to help the baron was interesting, more than TLOU for sure.

Not him
Yes, it's good

It'll peter out when your TORtanic doesn't happen again

There seems to be missing videos and evidence, ie the fight where Ellie lives, and no video for her dying, so I wont assume anything yet. However, I'm still not buying this.

There was like a full chapter or two after “Abby-Ellie fight” on the chapter log

>If I want zombies I'll play Resident Evil
that reminded me that RE4 is a better version of TLOU in every way unless you're dangerously allergic to having fun.

Can you name a better one?

>hate trannies, homosexuals, and women
>constantly obsess over them and go into fits of rage upon seeing them


>Build up a likeable duo and how Ellie is the savour of humanity
>Completely shit all over that and kill them off for a tranny

Why indeed.

This is some battlefield V fun.

go suck more tranny cock, fag

Yeah ok bye bye, I dont care that you're mad we're laughing at this, I'm gonna keep laughing whether you believe I am or not

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The leaks were so much to the point that it can't be otherwise

I absolutely agree. And RE4 still holds up pretty well. I just finished a playthrough yesterday.

I think developers forgot reconstruction

Nah I only dislike trannies, they're the only delusional ones

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There literally is no reason to think this is post-fight

I like a good tortanic thread but you people are fucking delusional if you think this wont sell.

The video there is at the halfway point, before you assume the control of MA'AM

I don't know. I personally preordered Cyberpunk 2077. Who even cares about TLOU II on this board? If it wasn't for the leaks being such a dumpster fire nobody would even bother making a thread about this game. Cyberpunk on the other hand we get threads multiple times a day with zero new information.

That's fucking stupid. God of war did this cycle of revenge shit better.

RE4 is better than any OTS TPS because all of them tried to recreate its magic but failed (except maybe Dead Space).

Die in a hate crime tranny.


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lmao the state of this obsession

These leaks are going to sit on the internet for the whole time this game is delayed. It could definitely cause it to undershoot sales projections. They'll still make millions, but corporations are so greedy there might be blowback from not meeting earnings expectations.

What are you talking about?
We're laughing at them.


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Statistically unlikely.


Exactly. Yas Forums is going to implode if Cyberpunk 2077 gets leaked.

ngl, if Ellie just gibbed those cunts after getting her shit pushed in it would be kino
like, how's that for the revenge cycle you roided-up tranner lmao

I have a ps3/ps4 and never saw the appeal of the first game.

it's just a shitty Resident Evil with bad AI and writing.

Not even a SNOYfag, but why the fuck do you even care what others buy or don't buy? Are you some sort of social activist or have a stake in the vidya market?

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Just woke up and Im confused.

Who is the tranny everyone is talking about?

So how much of the story was pieced together from the cinematics leaking? How bad is it?

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>Statistically unlikely.
still, one can hope

The main antagonist is a stupidly buff wo(man) who absolutely ape-fucks Ellie and her semite girlfriend

That's cus we actually care about Cyberpunk.

>ugly lesbians


what the fuck were they thinking

Pretty much the whole thing kek

>Jews when liberals start shoaing them for picking trans over gays

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Violence good and give good brain chemicals

Enjoy the violence, watch the violence, take pleasure in killing

Then you too may direct that will to violence towards enemies of the state.

Did some digging for you all and found these

A tranny as an villain by Naughty Dog? I call BS

Having hated the first one, I wasn't going to buy it anyway.
But it makes me laugh that fans of the first game are mad as fuck with what the second one is doing.

>ff7 remake, shit

>tlou 2, shit

>warcraft remake, shit

Bannerlord is actually going to be GOTY


>Yas Forums pretends to hate these games
>multiple 500+ posts threads in mere hours

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This is from the state that made it legal to knowingly infect people with HIV.
Are you really surprised?

It's true lmao. She's like a full on Gorilla.

naughty dog sucked after jak. who would want to play this cinematic shit. fuck this and uncharted.

All videos in telegram!

Just believe in the statistically likely one.

Because what makes massive sales one month defines the direction studios go in for the next couple of years. Every bad decision gets amplified by the next studio trying to recreate those sales without comprehending the reasoning behind it.
We're damned lucky that mobile gacha shit is a total lottery for publishers. If paypigs were willing to spread their simp cash around their waifu rolling games then the AAA games would be gone completely in favour of cheap mobile "games".

Naughty Dog (or Cringy Cuck as I like to call them) was literally never good. First they shit out Trash Bandicunt, an edgy animal mascot character so soulless and banal that Bubsy and Poochy seem innovative in comparison. The gameplay is pathetic corridor shit, designed at the mercy of showcasing "gOoD GrApHiCs". Being the ripoff artists they are, they promptly rip off Banjo-Kazooie with Jak and Daxter, another soulless platformer copying what others innovated. If the stupid dated gimmicks like the motorcycle in Trash weren't enough, they shamelessly copy GTA 3 in Jak 2 with infamous results. Eventually they poop out ANOTHER ripoff of Mario Kart, but it's ironic and edgy so it's ok. Being the dishonest, soulless, bad faith conmen they are, they go balls deep in with the pretentious cinematic over the shoulder shitfest with Uncharted. If Trash Bandicunt was a soulless linear setpiece-infested Mario ripoff, then Uncharted is the same for Tomb Raider. They then try really hard to stay relevant and follow contemporary memes even harder with the prime example of the pretentious McDonald's arthouse shooter, Last of Us. Taking refuge in audacity, Cringy Cuck then shits out a sequel, pretentiously called "Part II", instead of just "2" because they try to pretend it's not just a banal sequel containing more of the same since the audience bought the previous one. Talentless sellouts. It should come as a surprise to absolutely no one that they overdose on the Kool-Aid and shove this steaming dump with the wokest of memes, black crippled transgender Jewish lesbians, or whatever the crap. Put frankly, one of the most soulless and pathetic companies ever to exist, so being in bed with Sony is only natural.

it's too much of a clusterfuck not to comment on and gawk at. I didn't even play the first one and I want to see where this trashfire goes.

Apparently this is the description of the epilogue

This. I literally got the first game for free but couldn't even force myself to finish it. Was just mediocre in all aspects.

>McGuffin fancuck seething
>muh bond
Ellie hated his fucking guts by the end for being a lying shit, holy fuck

Trannies UwU

>LGBTQ+ approved

>gay characters get beaten brutally,suffer a lot and die

lmao, sjws really don't care about gays even though they claim they do. they're their own worst enemy

Is TLOU supposed to be 3 parter or what ??
Do they think they expect us to play as the tranny who killed Joel & Ellie on the part 3 ???

>being privileged enough to be able to worry about your """""""gender identity"""""""" during a zombie apocalypse
maybe we can spin this to get even the lefties to hate this garbage fellas

Because if this sells well then that means we get more games like this? How freaking dumb are you?

>those loading times
No wonder Sonyfags think SSDs are some new magic technology, holy shit.

And? Isn't this what free market niggers wanted?

Does Ellie die at the end?

>commander sheperd's adventures will continue in downloadable content


>>Yas Forums pretends to hate these games
‘Hate’? I can’t even recall the last time this much laughter could be found on Yas Forums. Sure a few are complaining... but to most this fucking hilarious.

>Kill off not one, but two of your main characters after character assassinating them in the same game
Honestly, it's almost fucking based how Naughty Dog don't seem to give a fuck anymore

The normies finally catching up to naughty dogs bullshit

Meh, I don't believe this. When one trend starts to become too prevalent in the industry, there is always someone to the opposite way and reap the rewards, balancing things out.
The reason Sony games got so much praise is precisely because everybody else was chasing after gacha money and live-service scams.

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