1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2. FIFA 20 3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4. Ring Fit Adevnture 5. GTA V 6. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 7. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 8. Final Fantasy VII Remake 9. Luigi's Mansion 10. Red Dead Redemption 2
Why are you using hashtags on here? Are you some kind of idiot?
Wyatt Robinson
your mom told me to use them
Nicholas Green
Who knows what SE where expecting. I doubt this game has drawn-in many ‘new’ fans, and pissed off a percentage of the old-ones, law of diminishing returns will 100% apply to future episodes.
Brandon Adams
Your mom told me you were always an idiot.
Anthony Howard
but your mom loves my big dick, kkk
Elijah White
While I agree with OP that these really are piss poor sales for a FF7 Remake, they still made bank and they will continue to make bank because the way they broke up the game.
Let's assume each part makes at least 3 million sales. Assuming there will be 3 parts, that's basically 10 million AT FULL PRICE. Most FFs end up hitting 10 million after being out for awhile and decreasing the price. Then the inevitable "deluxe edition" or whatever, which includes extra content and all the parts together for full price.
Sorry OP but it is virtually impossible for this title to fail.
Adrian Allen
with this sales, there will be no part 2
Landon Lee
Your mom told me you do nothing but watch interracial porn and never get laid.
Elijah Hall
but she's sucking my big dick right now
Christian Howard
Actually kill yourself you retarded huemonkey ESL. I am sick to fucking death of you illiterate chimps plaguing this board lately.
Zachary Miller
your mom sucks dick great
Michael Sanders
>7 year old game is still #5 in weekly sales how do they do it? Is this the power of normie capatilization.
Noah Ward
>multiplatform game vs ona platform exclusive + coronavirus shitstorm
gee I wonder
Parker Hernandez
Animal crossing is on a single and even smaller platform than ff7 cope and seethe
Xavier Murphy
>le fuck ur mom jokes are you guys 13?
Elijah Lee
but the remake is a FLop, do you really think big companies like Square Enix and Sony are happy with the sales? of course not, 3.5m shipped copies to stores is cringe for them
Liam Lopez
UK retail charts don't matter and are irrelevant, Britbongs only play COD or FIFA
Brandon Robinson
It's a global pandemic son, you aren't even supposed to be out shopping for non-essential items.
Get a fucking life and read a newspaper once in a while. Most probably bought it digitally given the circumstances.
Jordan Smith
Your moms tell me that you both blow each other in 69 position while watching Netflix.
Nicholas Walker
All ur mom ghey lol
Kevin Phillips
Chase Stewart
Lol, "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" is doing great, hell, even "GTA V" is still doing great, Lol
Easton Ramirez
who is this barry and why is he mentioned in every ff and kh related thread
Connor Lopez
nintendo logo on it. if ff7re was a switch exclusive ninny fags would buy 10 copies each
Cooper Hernandez
your mom has a tight ass hole, kkk
Camden Sanders
Waiting for ''MUH PANDEMIC" shills
Elijah Butler
Yes, because 3.5 million is a laughing matter. Death Stranding sold less than 1 million and everyone was still praising it as a great exclusive. If it was at 1 million or less, I would say it's a complete flop.
Eli Howard
Your mom has tight pussy intact because you were born with a very thin head.
Christian Morales
Lucked out on a game Designed for lockdown trannies
Tyler Jones
now I'm cumming at your mom's mouth, kkk
Easton Miller
I'm slapping your mom's mouth
Justin Kelly
>Let's assume each part makes at least 3 million sales Why would you assume this? You’re assuming 100% of people are going buy the next game? why? I know it’s not an accurate reading, but according to trophies only something like 40% of people have actually bothered to finish part 1.
Law of diminishing returns is a basic economic concept.
Brody Morris
now I'm fucking your mom's tight ass hole again, kkk, your mom really likes my big dick, kkk
Christopher Evans
Notorious Australian shitposter who was obsessed with Versus XIII and then FFXV. When it turned out it was shit he was so anally annihilated that he decided to spend the remainder of his waking life shitposting about every other action rpg in a futile attempt to prop up FFXV.
Andrew Thomas
I'm tying up your mom and getting ready to skin her alive before I fuck her
Christopher Campbell
That's why I said at least million. The first part is already breaking 4 million, on a timed exclusive. That number is bound to climb much higher when it finally launches on all platforms. I highly doubt the next parts will do that much worse than 3 mil.
Xavier White
Can you ESL fags please fuck off to indiachan or huechan. PLEASE.
Landon Fisher
>It seems that Final Fantasy VII Remake is a Total Flop Oh hi, u/RedditGeneralUser or should I say - Barry?
Why the fuck is nibelheim so god damn fucking far away, in a mountain range filled with monsters and bull shit.... idk why I am just so filled with rage about it's location
Brayden Thompson
I think the episodic format does hit it harder than they'd like to admit though my evidence is purely anecdotal.
Jacob Miller
now I'm cumming at you mom's mouth again, kkk
Kevin Evans
Incredible cope post Barry
Brody Jackson
I'm slapping your moms skin with a knife
Jeremiah Carter
now I'm fucking your mom's tight ass hole again, kkk, your mom really likes my big dick, kkk