How come no one ever talks about this game here?
>Dark Souls is a masterpiece (or not)
>Dark Souls 2 is the worst of the trilogy (or the best)
>Dark Souls 3 is ???
How come no one ever talks about this game here?
1. Dark Souls
2. Bloodbourne
3. Dark Souls 3
4. Dark Souls 2
There are daily Dark Souls threads you stupid nigger.
People who prefer the older, more RPG focused games hate DS3. People who prefer the newer, more action based games love DS3.
can't argue with that but let's give ds2 some love too
>dark souls
pick one
I'll pick both, thank you very much.
There are STILL threads about this fucking shovelware daily wtf are you talking about?
Because DS3 is the most forgettable.
3 is good but it lacks identity like the other ones
>getting to make one decision at the end makes it an rpg
I can't say I hated 2 when I played it, but looking back, it's such an ugly, disjointed game.
Dark Souls 3 is the worst in the series for many reasons.
Rehashed or re-used many story/lore concepts.
Many "New" characters are basically just "Totally NOT guy from Dark Souls 1"
Start of the game is incredibly linear, leaving very little variation between playthroughs til you've progress quite a ways into the game.
Most boss fights feel exactly the same. (Mechanical skill of dodging and swinging during openings over and over again)
Build variety is drastically reduced.
Multiple things nerfed and weakened, even post launch, for the sake of balancing the horribly unbalanced PvP.
Made multiple spells unusable together, because of PvP.
Enemies look different, but all act the same. Wildly swinging multiple times, and you're mean to dodge it over and over.
The Stamina cost of rolls LMAO
Many things made worse because "DARK SOULS HARD", like making Parry timing tighter again like they did for DaS2.
Worst of the best is still best (even thought i personaly hate playing this game)
Is Bad.
Its a contractual obligation to bamco they had to make to get out of making the same shit forever. So for the secondaries that want to watch a vaati stream they made the game an MCU/Star wars tier smooth brain experience where you clap when you see the thing.
Anyone that defends the game either only has a PC and doesnt know the few redeeming things are copy pasted from Bloodborne or was too dumb to understand the parry tutorial in Sekiro. A DS3 fanboy can not be trusted about matters of quality ever again.
>Dark Souls 3 is the worst in the series for many reasons.
>Rehashed or re-used many story/lore concepts.
>Many "New" characters are basically just "Totally NOT guy from Dark Souls 1"
>Start of the game is incredibly linear, leaving very little variation between playthroughs til you've progress quite a ways into the game.
>Most boss fights feel exactly the same. (Mechanical skill of dodging and swinging during openings over and over again)
>Build variety is drastically reduced.
>Multiple things nerfed and weakened, even post launch, for the sake of balancing the horribly unbalanced PvP.
>Made multiple spells unusable together, because of PvP.
>Enemies look different, but all act the same. Wildly swinging multiple times, and you're mean to dodge it over and over.
>The Stamina cost of rolls LMAO
>Many things made worse because "DARK SOULS HARD", like making Parry timing tighter again like they did for DaS2.
DaS3 is the favourite of sweaty mustards who haven't played DeS or BB and can't see how soulless and derivative DaS3 is.
The reason nobody talks about it is because the autistic honour dueling community left for /vg/ and everyone else got bored after 2.5 playthroughs and realizing every build is the same.
I like Dark Souls 3
> noone talks
Even ds2 threads are better thought out than this bait.
>The Stamina cost of rolls LMAO
well you cannot say he's wrong about this one at least
>>Dark Souls 3 is the worst in the series for many reasons.
>>Rehashed or re-used many story/lore concepts.
>>Many "New" characters are basically just "Totally NOT guy from Dark Souls 1"
>>Start of the game is incredibly linear, leaving very little variation between playthroughs til you've progress quite a ways into the game.
>>Most boss fights feel exactly the same. (Mechanical skill of dodging and swinging during openings over and over again)
>>Build variety is drastically reduced.
>>Multiple things nerfed and weakened, even post launch, for the sake of balancing the horribly unbalanced PvP.
>>Made multiple spells unusable together, because of PvP.
>>Enemies look different, but all act the same. Wildly swinging multiple times, and you're mean to dodge it over and over.
>>The Stamina cost of rolls LMAO
>>Many things made worse because "DARK SOULS HARD", like making Parry timing tighter again like they did for DaS2.
Which is your favourite user ? You sound kind of filtered so please elaborate.
Dks3 has ZERO soul which is why it is forgotten
>>>Dark Souls 3 is the worst in the series for many reasons.
>>>Rehashed or re-used many story/lore concepts.
>>>Many "New" characters are basically just "Totally NOT guy from Dark Souls 1"
>>>Start of the game is incredibly linear, leaving very little variation between playthroughs til you've progress quite a ways into the game.
>>>Most boss fights feel exactly the same. (Mechanical skill of dodging and swinging during openings over and over again)
>>>Build variety is drastically reduced.
>>>Multiple things nerfed and weakened, even post launch, for the sake of balancing the horribly unbalanced PvP.
>>>Made multiple spells unusable together, because of PvP.
>>>Enemies look different, but all act the same. Wildly swinging multiple times, and you're mean to dodge it over and over.
>>>The Stamina cost of rolls LMAO
>>>Many things made worse because "DARK SOULS HARD", like making Parry timing tighter again like they did for DaS2.
it's the same concept with additional spices that's why you got bored from it ,dopamine freak
DS3 is basically just DS1 with a bigger map and more items. I don't like DS2 but I can respect that it's a different game. DS3 is good, but it'll always live in the shadow of DS1.
I agree JRPGs arent actually RPGs
>Every shortcut you open makes sense e.g a portcullis gate that was closed during the demon seige in boletaria palace
>The placement of items makes sense e.g most metals for smithing come from the mine area
>Each location is designed to make sense e.g rooms have furniture like beds and tables rather than empty, featureless rooms full of barrels or crates
>Each level is designed like a ecology e.g the wolves are hiding in the tunnels after the red dragon started roosting on the nearby cliff and eating anything on the bridge pathways
>No retard insurance. If you killed your item box guy you live with the mistake for that run
>Fights, thought it doesn't always pay off, designed based on a thematic idea first, not just rollrollrollroll
>Levels designed so you have to, the first time at least, stop and think about you progress through a trap rather than run and pray to rng because its not a set trap but a invisible dev tripwire that targets and curves to you. Compare the rolling steel balls to ds3's stand arrows.
I could go on and on but while its not perfect, magic is broken and fights like the old dragon god just dont pull off what they wanted to the world and its design is so well thought out in both a gameplay and narrative sense. Boletaria is a world with a design bible. DS3 is literally "we mashed shit together because the brainlets think this looks cool".
Rate my Knigga :^)
>it never got better
immense cope, the games got better but your illusions of demon's being perfect just became more real and real.
But Dark Souls 2 is shit in many ways. 3 might be uninspired, but 2 is a trainwreck.
single player was a lot of fun, multiplayer is fucking pigshit.
t. Someone who spent 400+ hours combined on DaS1&2 PvP/invasions but less than 5 hours on 3.
>distribute stats
>gear out character the way you want
>items to collect and use in combat
>rewarded with experience and gear for defeating enemies
>emphasis on exploration
>storylines of characters you encounter
Ya, I'm thinking it's an RPG
You are just being the zoomer that screeches how the last jedi has to be great because they can't have grown up with the shitty, creatively dead brand exercise.
Unfortunately is the only one I havent played. Ds3 does not live up to the standard of ds1 when it comes to atmosphere and setting. Its a little more linear too if you cannot kill dancer early. That said it is superior in every other aspect.
I think the only redeeming feature of 3 is it's PvP.
It may be inferior to 2 when it comes to PvP, but DaS3 has awful pve content.
>Ds3 does not live up to the standard of ds1 when it comes to atmosphere and setting. Its a little more linear too
You'd love Demon's from the sounds of it
2 is infinitely better than 3 and the fact you just hear "b-but the lava elevator!" on repeat shows how little its detractors have to work with.
Scholar of the First Sin is the best game with the Dark Souls name on it. Its not perfect and not one of them is. But its biggest flaws are "we need to connect this to DS1, no shut up tho" and it would have been far better if it was just a spiritual sequel ala final fantasy about the giants, the throne and dranleic. Wheres 3 is nothing but "THIS SURVIVES AS A PARASITE TO DS1".
You can name any of DS2's flaws and DS3 has worse ones.
It may be different after the DLC, I wouldn't know because I dropped 3 hard as fuck for the aforementioned reason. Vanilla 3 PvP sucks my anus though.
I read here that it can be emulated nowadays but I cba currently. I like all from games so i dont see why I wouldnt like DS too
weird and badly explained mechanics
but combat and exploration was good
more easy to understand mechanics
combat and exploration still good
like ds2 but better looking, general upgrade
ds3 > ds2 > ds1
Only redeeming quality of ds1 is being the first.
Glad you liked it more than the others. Its a shit souls games tho so stop seething cause others dont agree with your preference.
I will never forgive Dark Souls 3 for what it did to my boy Gwyndolin
>b-but the lava elevator
This is actually the dumbest argument against 2 because this shit happens in 1 and 3 as well.
Look at the 3D map viewers for DaS1 and 3 and you get equally retarded transitions.
DaS2 just gets its retarded aspects looked at through a microscope because graphics and lighting obsessed secondaries were upset about the downgrade and DaS2 flat lighting.
>storylines of characters you encounter
the only thing that comes close to meeting the criteria of an rpg and it's not that important since it doesn't affect the main story line anyway
it always comes to one final decision at the end
light the stove or let it burn out
one exception is anri route from ds3 i guess
ds2 has better ideas over 3 of course but absolutely executes them terribly
Its an rpg bro. Get over it and enjoy the game.
Story isnt the only aspect that matters, fag
Imagine having taste this shit. Yikes
>he hasn't even played DeS
Opinion disregarded.
Honestly not much refuge can be found in Dks3 PvP even after their futile attempts to balance it. It's due to the simple fact that no one in Dks3 will get hit if they are not trying to hit the other guy too. This promotes the most passive style of PvP you have seen yet in souls, where the guy who attacks first loses, and everyone has a Blessed Caestus, Princess Ring and Filianore Charm for pocket regen and maximum passiveness. The poise is also a lot -- A LOT -- inferior to Dks2's system with it. Small weapons can't ever attack a Greatsword without it having attacked first, because poise is pretty much unbreakable in 3 except for very specific frame-windows when it deactivates. Which leads to even more passive play. Dks2 had a pretty much perfect system with poise for PvP purposes, and it boggles the mind that they didn't just reproduce it in full.
It was pretty messed up
I got bored after 1.5 playthroughs
>dark souls 1
>the first game
Senile boomer.
Beautiful, would summon for jolly cooperation 10/10 times
this bell curve is calling players of demon's souls and dark souls 3 the smartest