Melia is looking good

Melia is looking good.

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My Queen.

The character models in xenoblade 2010 looked like absolute shit. This is leagues better

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Why doesnt Melia just marry Riki

the hair on the sides always makes me uncomfortable

Generically uguu but for superior bird genes I'd expect no less than complete anal ravaging of fiorafags.

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I am a Big boobs fag... Why do I preffer Melia over Sharla?

nuh uh the original had SOUL

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Melia had an hard life.

lets hope they fix the AI so melia and sulk team actually works.

more like looking good huge plant

God so fuckable
SFM model when ????????????????

Because you know that Sharla is no good in a fight.

kill yourself

>riki unchanged
How da fuck did they screw that up

I'm really looking forward to playing XB1 again. Preordered the collectors edition to have it next to the XB2 box.

Riki is already perfect

Riki is generally higher res in all aspects. His wingtips look fluffy now, too.

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Melia and Fiora POV double blowjob SFM
Someone please make this.

god the faces in the original were so bad

hurt feelings edition.

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Fiora blowjob SFM while Melia is on the other side of the door listening when?

Fiora's new hair looks shit. It's so spoiling a lovely looking model.

Melia was the ugliest in the original and now is the prettiest.

>HD fur
>eyes and mouth still blurry as fuck


I get that part but his eyes are still painted on.

Reyn time.

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Where is mecha fiora you cowards

Looks good.

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Nopon models in general are different from human models, so it makes sense as to why his facial features looks like they're painted on a plush animal.

I'm reserving judgement because later on she looks like girl shulk which kills my boner.

This one could have been more faithful to the original

They really had to make his cheekbones so big?

Where are these coming from and where is Mecha Fiora's ass?

>Mechon are matte blue now
Not that it bothers me much, but I miss the black coloring. It made them look more menacing.
FUCK, the metal looks great in this engine. Also based JuJu, and Sharla's model looks really clean. I'm glad they kept her tanned skin color consistent.

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I wonder if they'll do the same thing that they did with Xenoblade 2: post new designs on their twitter up to release of the game and then drop a huge surprise the day right before the release.

They have actual eyes in XC2.

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Xenoblade's Japanese Twitter, and Mecha Fiora is a fucking spoiler you nutbrain


Wait a minute...

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