>"all games should have personal politics lmao"
>makes a game about trans character basically destryoing everyone
>everyone suddenly hate it
Wow its almost like we warned you
"all games should have personal politics lmao"
Other urls found in this thread:
>"games shouldn't be political"
>this actually translates to "games shouldn't have politics I can clearly see as being left wing"
>makes a game about trans character basically destryoing everyone
I've never played this game but there's currently a lot of threads on it. What exactly happens?
Why does druckmann think people care about his opinions, he came from a privileged family
Because the left are so tolarent to politics that u disagree with right ?
Too bad shittendo games are made for 5 years old kids
At least post a actual dev to counter shitman not a glorified meme marketer.
Living Rent Free in your mind.
Considering how hard /vpol/ gets triggered all the time while demanding more gatekept safespaces in their games and how pedoera has started referring to black people as coons and doxing people for featuring a tranny in an ad I'd say the political extremes have completely swapped places.
Choose between
>Villager and Villager
English is just an inferior language
all of you can't handle seeing reality.
Marlon Brando was right
>Hyper-advanced technological society with surgeries and augmentations to fix anything you need
>you can still tell trannies apart from real men and women
Damn, maybe it's actually pretty based
>Consumerism preys on hypersexuality
uhh, based?
>tfw bought a switch during quarantine after being a sonyger since gamecube
>implying sonyg6ers aren't going to eat it up and ask for seconds.
Well, never forget that there exists here the same cucks who said sarkeesian and whoever the others were just weren't worth anyone's time and now those same cucks spew the same political drivel that they once claimed wasn't a threat
that's localization, the japanese just says boy or girl
This is why no one takes censorship in games seriously anymore. Y'all will bitch and moan about shit like this when it doesn't affect anything and can be easily ignored.
Now everytime a publisher removes titties in the west I'm lumped in with you tards.
Bumping out of curiosity
The most idiotic thing about it is saying its your personal politics and not just a story. Regardless of the message, people don't want to feel like they're being preached to while playing a game (or watching a film).
No, idiot, it means games shouldn't be propaganda.
Apolitical games don't exist :^)
>not wanting games to become a painfully forced soapbox for some random retard's absolutely shit-tier twitter-fried political opinions is a safe space
you guys are so desperate to turn our memes against us that you don't even know what you're saying anymore
because games that have left wing politics usually are just dumb pandering, and tend to be highly obnoxious.
Also you do realise that left wingers act the same way when it comes to games with right wing politics, right?
there's a difference between having political themes in your game and the sort of dumb pandering that left wing devs do.
Barry has found a new hobby I see
There is no such thing as an apolitical action, let an apolitical game. A game without an overt political message is in reality a vote for the status quo; things are alright let's not talk about it. In other words it's conservative, and conservatism is politics. As is often the case it's these reactionaries who like to pretend that they are not political because they are dishonest people who are scared of showing what they stand for. The left might be loud and annoying but that's just because they dare stand up for what they believe in. Beware reactionary subterfuge.
Why do you think calling others Yas Forums is a substitute for argument?
>There is no such thing as an apolitical action, let an apolitical game.
So taking a shit is now a political statement?
Yup. You taking a shit in your bathroom might seem neutral, but consider what you're not doing. You're not taking a shit on the neighbour's porch or in front of a government building. Inaction is an action, and similarly not shitting to send a message is a message on its own.
kill yourself i beg you
what the fuck am i reading
People aren't asking for games to be APOLITICAL. They're asking for games to not be cringy reflections of modern politics. If video games are for escapism, then why the fuck do people keep putting real life analogues into them, ad nauseum without fail? It's hacky and a sign of a lackluster imagination. Fuck off with your post-modernism bullshit. Was FF6 political? 8? 9? Even 7, the 'actually its about ethics in terrorism' one was vastly removed from speaking directly about the current world. Politics in games are fine if they're analogous, or relate events through a different lens (Tactics Ogre, FFT). The issue is that 'politics' in games right now is:
>More Diverse Casts!!!! (for blacks only, spics and chinks get out)
>Trump bad!!!!
>White supremacy, you guys! Nazis, you guys!
I get enough of that shit in real life, why the fuck would I want to play a video game that jacks itself off about that and preaches it too? At least Disco Elysium has good writing, even if the devs are commies.
The issue is not politics in games. The issue is a lack of quality control and decent writing to JUSTIFY writing a political story when they can't even write a bing bing wahoo story.
That's like saying you can't complain about rape just because murder exists.
Your shit doesn't affect gameplay either, I'd note, which is what really matters so stop complaining about it too then since so many games are lacking in gameplay or are having their gameplay made anti-consumer these days.
So what you are asking for is for games to be... conservative of the current political climate or ideally somewhat reactionary? That sounds almost political, user!
no body wants to argue with pol because pol is only interested in reminding everyone about niggers and jews
Just woke up. Can I get a rundown on the TLOU2 situation? Is OP exaggerating or does the game really have a tranny in it?
How about you just make your own games then
She does look like a tranny but it's not confirmed. People are exaggerating. Spoilers have leaked, though:
The tranny look alike kills Joel. Ellie seeks revenge and becomes a villain. You then play as the would-be tranny that killed Joel and your goal is to kill Ellie.
Soviet propaganda, stacking the people into neat little compartments and making them all just ~disappear~