Violence against women is ok when the left does it

>violence against women is ok when the left does it

Attached: WWC Ultimate Tranny.jpg (480x264, 20.74K)

Nobody cares Yas Forums, go shit up your own board kid

She deserved it, she was a terf

Attached: punch a terf.png (1140x641, 670.72K)

Lmao triggered simp cuck go get some soi snacks beta virgin. Unironically Have sex.

dilate pumpkin

thats new.

she doesn't even kill them so literally whats the fucking point
it would of been more entertaining if it did kill them

Yes, that's how power works. As long as these kikes are in power they can portray whatever they want.

Violence against women is ok.

girls should beat up girls and boys should beat up boys

i care

It's not from the end of the game its from the midpoint.

>"listening to my recording back i kept hearing myself say "not cool man" when jill would get grabbed. and it doesnt happen to carlos"
i wonder what faggots like this will say during their review of tlou2

This, but unironically.

Fuck off tranny. Stop shilling your cancer game here. FUCK OFF AND DIE.

cant wait for the polygon review of violence against women perpetrated by a woman

>t. triggered terfie

This is the type of shit you elevate as art compared to trashy Japanese games? What a joke. There is something so oddly tasteless and ugly about this. It really gives me the same vibe when I see modern art. A baneless nihilism. It seems to be common among the works from people of the Hebrew race.

>90% buzzwords post
This is your brain on Yas Forums

Trannydozer breaks Ellie's arm and slams Jewdina's face on the floor to a bleeding pulp, pretty violent as far as violence against women in vidya goes in a non-fighting game

>tranny kills white girl
>tranny kills white guy
>tranny kills kike

TERFs aren't even human, so how can they be women?

Attached: TERFnothuman.jpg (720x695, 75.09K)

>other games go full edgy mode
>TLoU 2 goes full edgy mode

sonytards explain?

is that the ugly giant nose lesbian

>you can curb stomp sjws


Based buff tranny smashing dykes fucking faces in. Ellie and longnose can eat shit

that's where you're wrong kiddo


But that implys women are human beings.

I want to slap every feminist on the chin, and make their head rotate and concuss them, in minecraft.

False dichotomy, cancerous faggot. Why shill terrible fucking ""video games"" here. Bad publicity is still publicity. You are unwittingly shilling for Naughty Dog. Sterilize yourself.

>bodyshaming is ok when the left does it

Attached: bodyshaming.png (729x807, 421.39K)

Attached: 1571103233648.png (508x563, 410.13K)

This, but contextually.