May you find your worth in the Soulsborne thread
May you find your worth in the Soulsborne thread
>trying to get summoned for Maria or Ludwig
>barely get one summon call in like 3 hours of waiting
I honestly wish BB was on PC because its a damn shame the online for it is dead on PS4
If you hate Micolash's fight you are a pleb. Go play DMC or Monster Hunter if you just want a brainless action game.
>Found a randumb on DaS3 in pvp
>he messaged me saying he liked my cheesing skills (basically a wotg/faith build) and invites me to his gank squad
>have fun fucking with newfags and cheaters
I need to reinstall DaS3 again.
>goes to play MHW
>soulsbabies whine their servers are still empty
>can't say why, they just refuse to believe it's their fault
it would be nice an actual re-release of bloodborne on pc, i could enjoy the game again with my pc bois
>Calling games more complex than soulshit brainless
MiB >= Doll > Emma >> EH >>>>> FK
Dont @ me
So.... is Yas Forums still pretending to hate DaS 2 even though it objectively is the most fun and the most developed PVP?
>inb4 muh windmill elevator
>inb4 muh n64 woods
Micolash was easy as fuck
If they ever release BB on PC, they need to fix the fucking bell maiden system because it's absolutely godawful in current state since it's proximity based on top of being highly unreliable.
Fuck off back to your containment thread
Which Souls game still has an active online that isn't riddled with cheaters?
Not an argument
2 is unironically the most stable
I want to fuck her so bad Yas Forumsros...
Yes, and?
PVP is not a metric of a souls games worth
You're wrong but it's your opinion so whatever. 2 is still the pinnacle of the series
a boss fight does not have to be difficult to contribute to the quality of the game.
I bet PC would pull through again and make some wex dust equivalent.
don't bother talking to pvpfags
they are fucking delirious
Favorite weapons and why, choose as many as you like.
+ unsettling occult design, looks like a fetish or a crucifix
+ self-sacrificial mechanic
+ psycho damage + range when transformed
+ neverending *slam* R1
/ BLT build
- two-handed
>want to 99arc only but don't want to savescum until i have good gems
i love the stake driver because im obsessed with compact but complicated machines like watches and shit, stake driver scratches that itch for me. shame the moveset and scaling is big ass
Favorite BB weapon?
>Burial Blade
+scythes are cool
+superb CC weapon with decent DPS
+charged R2 has great reach and launches most enemies
-never use the un-tricked form
Micolash is shit because it's mostly a scripted set piece straight from Uncharted. Witch of Hemwick is the superior gimmick boss.