YLYL: joel edition

post your edits

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>killed by a tranny
Absolute state of Playstation

Have you seen the arms on that fucking thing? It could rip a phone book in half

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Based and cultured pilled


I feel so sad and I’m not even a TLOU fan.

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I've never even played the last of us, I don't know what the story is beyond that it has zombies and shit but I've jacked to both ellie and sarah like a million times.

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First thing I immediately thought of when hearing Joel gets fucked up by some mid 20's woman with a golf club. Good edit

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Be honest user, do you really think you stand a chance against this fucking freak of nature?

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is this the full thing? are there any other angles?

Cutscene powers are one hell of a drug.

Straight out of Liveleak.webm

100 hours in photoshop

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what the fuck happened, i just woke up.

Its not the full thing
If you could do better, please

Wait, no rape?

TLOU2 leaks
It's so bad it's hilarious.

This edit needs Ronaldo kicking Joel’s head like he did with the drowned kid

A classic

Only one to make me laugh out loud

It looks like a snuff film, how do market this towards the mainstream lol.

the cutscene is pretty jarring but it's definitely not liveleak tier, it's just a lot of blood

So not only did nathan drake get his ass kicked by a woman, joel the madlad did too

wait, so is abby the protagonist or what?
why is she killing the main characters????
name me other games besides GTA V where you get to do this to the previous games' protagonist, like downright embarrassing them

Nah, she lets some chink tranny fuck her and thats how they have a kid at the end.
The actually had a chink tranny impregnate a kike dyke in the game.

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Is there a leak of the sex scene?

>Girl is just a jacked up guy military guy
The level of self inserting SJW are trying to pull here

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Its pulling an MGS2 but badly
She's the Raiden and Ellie is the final boss

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Druckman has a fetish for trannies beating up chads it seems.


is ellie going to die or is it just joel?

You play Ellie from the beginning to middle of the game, until Joel gets killed by Abby.
You then shortly after play Abby hunting down Fireflies and in the end kill/heavily would Ellie and Dina.

Not as bad as FF7R since FF7 was a decent game unlike The Ladders of Us

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Never played TLoU

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Coming to Epic game store?

I still can't get over how fucking good the Dyke Nukem edit is.

After that part we have to play as the tranny or what?

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So he got beat to death by a tranny with a golf club?

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I think they are gonna fade to black before we know whether the two are dead or not. And the epilogue will dance around that to keep the uncertainty up as a sequel hook.


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lmao I can't imagine many of the devs were on board with this. It's not even done tastefully. It's just cruel and edgy for its own sake. How did kind people at ND like Evan Wells let this happen?

Holy shit

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Ten bazillion hours in Photoshop

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poor joel

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in MGS2 you didn't have any ulterior motives against Snake and beat him to a pulp user, it's hardly a comparison


leel looks like a tadpole