I just watched all of tlou's cutscenes so now I have no reason to buy the game anymore because it barely has any gameplay
I just watched all of tlou's cutscenes so now I have no reason to buy the game anymore because it barely has any...
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ok. Millions are still buying it
only retards will the plot sounds cancer as fuck
sales don’t mean anything
reminder that the highest grossing movie of all time is endgame
It hasn’t been spoiled for me because I have a spoiler dedicating software for this game installed in my pc so eat shit you fucking loser faggots.
wait really because I watched all of TLOU2's gameplay and have concluded that it barely has any cutscenes
>reminder that the highest grossing movie of all time is endgame
I fucking hate american consoomers. They have no soul
Not after the world pulls all their factories out of China and they close off to the rest of the world in the coming months
It means something to me. Statistics like that certainly don't help my depression or faith in mankind.
Can you post a link to all the cutscenes? I you find single videos
Give me the basic gestalt
Rent free
What a fucking shit story
I don't understand how someone can be hyped for a video game where a shit story or a spoiled story can ruin the entire package for them. If the story ruins the game, the game wasn't worth playing.
Where can you watch all the cutscenes?
Not with inflation
Adjusted Endgame made 500m less than Chadvatar
t. 1/2 of TLOU2 fan base
Turbodyke kills Joel for killing her dad in the first game, Ellie spends first half of the game chasing her, gets a jew GF, they fight Turbodyke and lose so badly that Turbodyke and her boy sidekick become the protagonists for the rest of the game
dyke goes ham, kills joel, beats up ellie
everything else is conjecture
btw All videos here!(Telegram)
>It's a commentary on lesbian domestic violence.
Capeshit. This is enough reason for covid to wipe out mankind. My god, how low can you go. Please let this superhero era end asap
think of if the last of us 2 was like the last jedi
Joel really dies? Im not buying this shit then
It's going to bomb but not for any reasons stated on here. Normalfags literally don't care about the series, they're all frothing over the new fartnut game.
Kinda like VNs
You didn't expect a cliche tragic death for Joel in the prologue? We're getting something worse, but still
I expected him to survive and be the controllable MC for like 40% of the game
At least you can treat VNs as books.
If your game can be ruined with a couple lines of plot spoilers because the game itself is superfluous and the main reason to play it is for story, it's already ruined.
How do you know it has no gameplay if you didn't play it?