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quit forcing your shit meme retard this thread's been deleted before

This board can't even have normal threads anymore just bait and post post post irony

I wish it was 2007 again

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>tfw no Cloudia gf (bf)

Pretty sure that's called crossdressing

you're also part of the problem, moeshit redditor

A man who puts on a dress on as a disguise is trans now?
boy trannies sure are desperate to recruit anyone to their degeneracy.

i wish germany had won WWII

You should fuck of to reddit, i hate you

Sure thing zoomy

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Reddit is better than 2020 Yas Forums

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LGBT acceptance wouldn't be decreasing if western studios made transwomen look like this.

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Both are fucking awful and illustrative for why you shouldn't own a Playstation.

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trannies aren’t people

There is no such thing as a Trans woman and the LGBT is a pedophile organization

Fapping to 2D boys with dicks also has nothing to do with your american trans/lgbtfag shit

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What's the left pic from? Also, nice boomer meme, learn the actual definitions of buzzwords you use, faggot
Oh shit, Kojimbo is based after all
Spoken like a true basement dweller/incel/third-worlder

>ur an incel
Moshi moshi Not an argument

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Literally every fictional gay western character is either made purposefully unattractive, a stereotypical caricature or just written with an unlikable personality.
It's no wonder their acceptance rate is reaching their suicide rates.

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Thats because in reality you are ugly and the west accepts this as great hehe fag get your neg hole pozzed

>Screencapped a post with three replies
It was yours wasn't it

Quite a forced agenda. Also this 'american trans/lgbtfag shit'

For something quite left wing its very much cultural imperialism.

i don't come here to see your hideous forced drawings of barely legal cartoon girls every day. go to /jp/ and Yas Forums and other containment boards for your shallow oogabooga "my waifu da best xd" tribal interactions you fertilized cumstain. i understand watching slice of life moeshit and doujins are the closest interactions to female anatomy you will ever get but no need to force that garbage on every board like the boring shitstain you are. kindly fuck off

>go to /jp/ and Yas Forums and other containment boards
Wrong website normalcattle you dont belong here now go away

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I don't even have an account to that place I just like sexy lewd stuff, thatt's all

Even though the left is female and the right is male Id rather fuck Cloud honestly.

he is a femboy you idiot!

all shitposting aside i still don't understand the mental gymnastics it takes to attach the same degenerate drawings next to every post without any context while simultaneously lecturing others about board quality?! simply wow.
>Wrong website normalcattle you dont belong here now go away
he said while all he does on this site is cybersexting and circlejerking with his tranny bros all day and exchanging manchurian cave paintings of women
what a quality poster ladies and gentlemen
superior redpilled ubermensch right here

Where are all the doomer faggots who bitched for YEARS that the crossdressing in VII would be toned down? Where are you?! Explain yourselves.


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He never said that, the faggot interviewer kept asking him over and over and over about trump and Kojima just said yeah sure whatever you interpet it as

You dont get this website and never will because you were born in 2004. you have no place here youre just a tourist

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What part of “forced to crossdress as a disguise” do you not understand? It’s an age-old trope.

trans people dont wanna be girls, they wanna be anime

Seethe more, pedo

He's right, you faggots are completely delusional, straight men don't fuck dudes, even less in wigs.
Trannies are just the incarnation of failures.

>t. posts anime to fit in
just go drink cyanide diluted in antifreeze and leave this thread open. it's far more explanatory than any suicide note.

>hates trannies
>constantly thinking about them and stressing over what they do and don't do

I think I get why anti-trannies hate the egg meme. Its like those violently anti-gay people who turn out to be gay and put on that show of anti-gayness to prove only to themselves they aren't gay.

Womp womp

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El cringo señores

I'd like to pitch in here and say that at least posting your autistic anime pics next to everything you say would be more acceptable if you were new. Frankly, the idea that you've been doing it for a really long time doesn't make you look good.

Unironically based