I say terfs you say sorry
I say terfs you say sorry
the fuck is a terf
trans exclusionary radical femminist
And that means what exactly?
Someone who is upset at trans people for existing
>queen literally slays
A feminist that doesn't like trannies or consider them to be women. It's like Aliens vs. Predator, whoever wins, we lose.
TERFs only hate trannies because they are men, trannies just happen to be men
I rather side with trannies than TERFs
It's a menu item in a restaurant, a main course consisting of one land animal and one sea animal like steak and prawns, goes by the nomenclature surf 'n' terf.
The word terf is unironically misoginistic
feminist (usually women) who doesn't accept trans woman as woman and doesn't include them in their politics
Sounds like normal shit to me.
It's insulting to suggest MtF trannies and real women are even remotely the same. It's just another buzzword used as an excuse to bring down actual women.
quick rundown? i just woke up
Is this what snoys find attractive?
Sounds based to me.
I believe the rest of the details but what proof is there that she is a tranny besides her looking like a dude?
A tranny beats Joel to death with a golf club and then you play as the tranny and hunt down Ellie and kill her too
Probably just a meme
more like
>whoever wins, it's one less to worry about for the rest of us
What? How do they justify playing as the tranny?
it's just a word to describe a sect of feminism that is transphobic, not all women and not even all feminism. I fail to see how the word is misoginistic.
wow, brave
is the gay-hating Christian group confirmed?
ill take harmless woman over a mentally unstable man any day
terfs are unironically based. going to let a little label get in the way?
thanks for letting us know how utterly allergic to pussy you are, incel
Should have stopped before the Lip Filler. It's all downhill from there.
Women aren't harmless. Not emotionally, anyway
>terfs are unironically based
Why should i side with people who hate men just because trannies happen to be men too?
>kill Ellie
No fucking way.
it's brilliant that they manage to coin the phrase so early and frame gender critical feminists as radicals, as if transsexualism isn't objectively more radical and deserving of criticism. credit's due to where credit's due I guess
The harmless woman can manipulate harmful men into doing their bidding. Hence why our societies are trash now.