Why was she so perfect anons?
Danganronpa thread
I want her to suffocate me
fuck off danganautists
>We want the masochist audience
literal mary sue is why
I want to RAPE himiko
Suffocate you with what?
With her giant tits of course.
I want to cut her head off and parade it around on a pike.
Did you make this?
Yes. Actually not really.
never played any of these games but she looks pretty fuckable. are they worth a playthrough if I don't have much VN experience at all?
Yeah, Danganronpa is pretty good except for danganronpa 3, start with Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc.
I love my gorgeous wife!
You can't have sex with children user.
I love her
How does he do it lads?
Team Despair reporting for duty!
>Makoto never ploughed this absolute Stacy
>he doesn't know
Why is this thread perpetually dead?
What an useless whore, look at this dumb piece of shit.
>that one user who made a 90-page essay on how Maizono was in the right
Good times. That takes true waifu dedication.
All I see is a perfect goddess
Is Danganronpa actually good or is it all 14yos who also think Re:Zero is the peak of anime?
It's a flawed masterpiece.
The latter.
Her loli fan ended up much better than her
It's a pretty entertaining murder mystery/battle royale series but it gets ridiculously dumb whenever it tries to focus on the general plot