Most of Yas Forums is genuinely angry about this

>most of Yas Forums is genuinely angry about this
>tens of thousands of posters were hyped until yesterday

What happened to this board?

Attached: the-last-of-us-2-ellie-i76718.jpg (500x750, 86.31K)

Now you remember when Red Dead 2 came out

We found out that a tranny kills our favorite characters and that we are forced to play as her

>our favourite character

>>most of Yas Forums is genuinely angry about this
I literally don't care, I stopped paying attention when the lesbo Jew makeout scene started making the rounds.

What did they fuck up?

? No one is angry dude are you autistic or what. We are laughing at this game.

>Yas Forums being contrarian

whats wrong with joel

Can I get a quick rundown on the plot? Didn't really love the first game so I can't be bothered playing this one.

>hyped until yesterday
never happened

>tens of thousands

There was like 2 threads a day about it and most of the people were making fun of it. very poor bait.

I'm not angry, I'm amused.
Naughty Dog hasn't been good since Max Payne (or was that rockstar?)

standard end of the world zombie apocalypse except it's not a virus, it's a type of mold

one girl is immune and your orders are to take her somewhere

also humans bad

>>most of Yas Forums is genuinely angry about this
You’re really misreading things, this shits hilarious.

The best thing about this is that the snoys have shut the fuck up

You miss the point

The protags of the first game are killed by a transgendered new character and you have to play as him

I misread his post, I thought he was asking about the first game.

Don't tell me the second game has the same basic plot

Thanks user, but I meant the plot of the second game. I played the first one.

That was Rockstar

First LOU was good, though.

Hype contracts ran out or the checks bounced.

Ellie doesn't die, though. Abby (the chick on roids) tracks her down and beats the shit out of her and her girlfriend then leaves after Lev, the Asian troon, tells her to stop.

So where's the leak? I may as well watch the movie if it's out for free

>tens of thousands of posters

>Can't recognize the satire
Time to go back, son

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We hate trannies, jews and sjw

First game was a masterpiece, thats what happened nintenbro

>they're all just pretending
that's cute

People were hyped for this?

>they're all just pretending

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>First LOU was good, though
Obvious bait. No (You) for you

Red Dead was actually good and didn't shit on John

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> caring about tlou characters

Noone gives a shit about this game except numales

They made him a cuck who married a whore

>tens of thousands of posters were hyped until yesterday
holy shit my sides

Attached: homer.gif (500x225, 1.98M)

The only "people" excited for this were ps4 owners, so lets not pretend that its actually human being's we are talking about here. Ps4 owners are dirty third world scum/fifaniggers/eurofags.

Is the main character an actual tranny or just a masculine female? If it's a real tranny all I can ask is WHY THE FUCK are people transitioning during the apocalypse. That is like the least important thing you could be doing.

Unironic cowadooty threads, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry etc.
In 5 years Yas Forums is gonna be full of Fortnite nostalgia threads.

That was the first game


Yas Forums will call a tranny anything that doesn't looks like an anime girl. Don't pay attention to it.

>expected post apocalyptic action game
>got homo drama instead
no thanks