Predict the metascore

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critic score of 91
user score of 59

God I hope it's like in the 80s or 90s just so that this place will finally implode

I honestly think some journos will not fell for this one

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Seriously though, what the fuck were they thinking?

96 critic
43 user score


lower user scores will be removed under the excuse of misogyny.


Druckmann didn't get his circumcision baby blood and his mind started to rot as he rapidly aged towards his true age. This is the result. The damage is permanent even with his blood supply restored.

95 critic
89 user

To put simply, they weren't. at it's core this isn't about fun remember? Just casing the ""woke"" sjw crowd

Unironically based and redpilled post.

You might be right. User score will be in the dumpster regardless

gotta remember that Yas Forums is a small, angry minority, no matter how loud it gets

PS5 is gonna be such a shit show if that's the best sony studios can put out

Fuck I wasnt done, save this one instead

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Critics will love it, metascore of 92 or better. Userscore will be in 60s or 50s, a truly polarized response depending on whether you're a sane individual who likes a compelling story, or a tranny that will clap for anything that "tears down" normal institutions. Basically The Last Jedi, but a video game.

Nigga everyone hates this. Twitter, Reddit, resetera, are all pissed

Ho, it will absolutely will from critics. "So progressive it is subversive. Absolutely needed in this day and age! 10/10" There's no journo that would go otherwise. Praising the game is a win because virtue signalling, while the slightest critics of the theme or plots would make them the mean intolerant biot and they won't risk that.

>1600 ratings

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Critic: 999999999
User: 40

I can't wait for the seethe when your review bombing flops again :)

How about the game being dogshit in terms of gameplay you fucking zoomer?

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93 for journos, 6 for user score. even if you gave it its deserved 4/10, the fanboys will spam the user score with 10s. It's one of "those" fandom after all.

since I'm not a delusional retard and know what Jew journos like, how many fake customer reviews Sony can mobilize and how dumb the average gaymer is:

Critic score: 94
User score: 85

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93+ guaranteed

The "professional" critic review will be high, on the game being so sjw alone, they wouldn't dare give one of their own a bad score for pushing their politics.
It's going to be really high, like the first.

Seems about right

Very likely, but that won't matter to critics at all, so doesn't factor into my prediction.

i would say this

So will this weaken the playstation 5 launch? Because it seems they wanted to do a Botw and releases this game with it


People don't realize that angry fans allow Journos to be more critical. Look at Pokemon Sword and Shield which preformed the worst out of all the main, generational games. This was probably because fans were looking forward to reviews shitting on the game. With TLOU2, you have die hard fans of the original absolutely hating what they did, meaning critics can shit on the game more easily without getting doxxed by angry fans.

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It has lesbians and trannies so it's guaranteed a 95+ metascore
