Anyway: Why tf do Jewish directors like forced borderline-depressing melodrama so much?
Thanks for randomly deleting my first thread, rights-abusing mod
Welcome to Yas Forums. You must be looking for Yas Forums. I will say that movie was not great but only a24 film I could finish. Walked out of the theater during the god awful heriditary
>he goes to theaters
I spit on you
I couldn't finish it
Only amc with big giant recliners where my and my wife sit on the side with nobody next to us. Really comfy
I've personally pinned it down to 4 fatal mistakes, all of which fall back to the same root issue, hitler not listening to his generals.
Not finishing the British military off. He had them on the ropes, he decided to turn east. By not doing this he ensured he would fight a two front war and lost a vital geographical advantage that could have placed him at America's front door step.
Mistimed the start of operation barbarossa. Hitler was so caught up in his operations in the Balkans and north Africa that it ended up delaying the start of barbarossa by 6 weeks, considering the factor that the weather played on german armament and general troop moral and health, this turned out to be a big mistake.
Despite many requests from numerous field generals at stalingrad, hitler refused numerous requests to break out to regather, resupply and to get additional support from other divisions and companies that weren't under as much duress. Instead he slowly allowed them to be choked off.
It might have been too late at this point, but could have been the final stand to push the USSR back. Right before battle of Berlin, german intelligence had reported at three bulkheads that the Russians had built up and amassed armies that would easily over run the german army. He denied requests for more weaponry and man power, dismissing the reports as deception.
It's a shame I'm sure some of them are decent but the onions that exaggerate them clash with contrarians. I do know to avoid a24 threads though. Most of its mediocre to bad but the fans think they are some elevated art form.
I hope some niggers throw popcorn on you
Imagine paying over 30 dollars for a 2 hour cinematic "experience". I prefer just to watch movies with my girl at home
its a boomer fantasy
You have spammed this same post 5 times in the past hour. At this point, you deserve a range ban.
>the joos
*yawn* get some new material.
Why are mods damage controlling this game so hard?
It can be a fun night out but its rare and we literally walk out half the time. It's closer to $50 after food and drinks. Definitely a waste if money. We get high in the car before going in too.
only jews do this "da joooos" thing. Everyone else is aware of jewish bullshit now, identity politics will wake that up in people
Isn't the story kind of depressing to begin with? I thought the game was boring but I'm okay with an apocalyptic game being depressing and dramatic
What's your fucking problem with the exorcist and alien?
Yeah it just doesnt seem worth it. I only went to the theaters last year to see the lighthouse, which was a good movie, but there was some dumb broad chattering a few seats away from me, I wanted to throw my drink at her
>all those older horror movies you’ll never get to experience when the medium was newer and experimental but now the dates look of everything takes you out of the horror
Were in the dark ages of the genre
They can't push their radical worldview without extreme oversimplification of the issues at hand and strawmanning the arguments of their opposition. Naturally this requires a setting where emotion takes over and critical thinking shuts down.
Well what are some good horror movies then?
really though. what's wrong with "conman" or "grifter?" why blame the ethnicity when shitbags come from every human make?
Pre-release phase. This board literally exists for shilling. All criticism is stifled until the literal second the game comes out.
t. guy who shitposted about Monster Hunter and Overwatch for months and got banned 50+ times and suddenly not even once again once they they were released.
They never fucking answer. It is legitimate bait.
might as well ask here
what are some of Yas Forumss favorite horror movies?
As someone who watched like every newer horror movie that exists the last 2 years and found 99% of them awful.
Genuinely entertaining or actually special were
Obviously Blair Witch (2 is underrated too but the reboot is shit), The Hils have Eyes (remake, original is garbage), Snyder's zombie movie (though the upcoming one looks like trash), "Haunt" since it felt fresh and managed to do creepy villains while staying realistic, the Bigfoot found footage movie is fun until the stupid ending, Hereditary is admittedly interesting the first time (Midsommar is shit aside from aesthetics though), The Witch is overrated but OK, Cloverfield Lane if it counts as horror.
99% of what I haven't mentioned is borderline garbage and often SJw-infested, though.
I don't see it mentioned a lot anymore but a hipster psychological horror kind of movie I enjoyed back in the day was Session 9.
>Blaire Witch
Insidious is my favorite horror desu
not that user but Blair Witch spooked the shit out of me when I first watched it. Granted its not everybodys cup of tea but thats the whole point of horror - different people find different shit scary.
Literally better acting than Hollywood simps, cool setting and feeds your mind disturbing images from the first second on without ruining them with some retarded CGI monster or costume. The baby crying or the person descrbing the witch at the beginning was 11/10 horror.