Oh shit I'm sorry
No ME3 can still go fuck itself since I gave a shit about that series.
Why apologize? I'm still mad.
>mass effect 3: ran into the ground by SJW's
>last of us: ran into the ground by SJW's
>dawn of war: ran into the ground by SJW's
>dragon age: ran into the ground by SJW's
if you aren't seeing the pattern its your own fault
I'm still to this day sorry you were so shitty.
Multiplayer was pretty kino, though
>last of us: ran into the ground by SJW's
Wasn't a far trip.
To this day, I'm still surprised that ME3 did not outright kill Bioware on the spot instead of being in the vegetated state they are right now. Other game companies acquired by EA died because of less.
kek fpbp
TLoU was always shit though
Not in a million fucking years
they not only survived that, they survived an objectively bad spinoff that generated a ton of memes and a failed live service they actually literally falsely advertised that everyone bought and nobody played.
EA just likes keeping them around strictly to pump out shit games
Nah, wasn't a thing in 7th gen really.
election fag please leave.
objectively false. ME3's development was plagued by SJW's. anita sarkeesian was in on it too
Fully voiced gay romance with a functional save flag that was cut at the last moment because the guy who was Shepard's face objected to being used in a gay scene
even to this day I'm still learning about the drama that went on behind the development of this microwaved turd. good shit.
unpopular opinion:
it wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't good either
the first 2 acts are alright
Quarians and Kroggers get a satisfying conclusion to their story arcs
the DLCs aren't too bad
the "gay shit" isn't noticeable at all
the extended cut makes the ending "bearable"
>actors saying they don't want things and the company respects that
the gay shit in ME3 is vastly overplayed
extended cut made the ending worse in a way because all they did was try to justify how shit it was. why no suicide mission type heroic shit? why sudden deus ex machina at the very last 10 minutes?
why no harbinger boss fight? they had his fucking voice actor in the studio and all they did was record some bullshit lines for some random NPC.
development was a fucking disaster. the only reason it didn't turn out even worse is because I struggle to think *how* it could actually be worse than that.
How was it effectively any different politically than any other Bioware game made since like the NWN era?
It just sucked, mostly because the degree of difficulty to pull it off was very high after Mass Effect 2 made no progress in the story but added a huge amount of complication to production of ME3 by adding lots of characters and events that may or may not be dead/have happened (in addition to what ME1 did).
What exactly should they have done in 2 instead then?
>inb4 some headcanon that contradicts what is said in 1
People like you on the SJW witch hunt are the other half of the reason we don't talk about actual politics anymore.
Hardly a "witch hunt" when they don't even try to hide the fact.
They should have just kept making do-nothing but fun sequels like 2 until the franchise died of Bioware sucking. It was always impossible for Bioware to pay off what they'd set up.
I've never played this series
What was so bad about the ending?
And you don't even try to hide the obsession.
It was some contrived, poorly explained deus ex machina bullshit that retroactively ruined the entire series.
>extended cut made the ending worse in a way because all they did was try to justify how shit it was.
They couldn't reforge it. I think they did a fair job at salvaging what was salvageable without having to rewrite the entire game. It's still bad, but it's bearable.
>why no harbinger boss fight? they had his fucking voice actor in the studio and all they did was record some bullshit lines for some random NPC.
because they probably ran out of time. The ending of ME3 definitively feels rushed compared to the previous ones or even the first half of the game.
>development was a fucking disaster. the only reason it didn't turn out even worse is because I struggle to think *how* it could actually be worse than that.
I can think of many ways to make it worst. Think Andromeda at launch. ME3 at launch wasn't good, but it was serviceable. You could enjoy it if you weren't a die-hard fan of the series, the first acts were okay, if inferior to ME2, and the multiplayer was good.
Really, the only mistake is forgetting their dark energy plot. If they went that way, they would have much less asspulls to make.
Closes down the story in a very unsatisfying way. Nothing you did really matters in the end. You fucking die and there is no good choice for you. In the original version, it was literally picking up a colour.
>You fucking die
t. 2k ems retard
Best part is with enough points you get the ending which implies you dreamed the whole thing and nothing was resolved while the game just ends.
Not what emotionally invested fans did want but it was to be expected. The game itself is pretty massive and they made the game in only 2 years, shortcomings were to be expected.
having kaiden suddely become a fag wasn't the biggest problem with the game
Okay this is the same retarded logic why people say first game is better than the second. What you smoothbrains don't realize is there were no branching outcomes in ANY of the games, so they are all equally shit on that front.
He was a faggot since game 1 tho