I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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Me too.
Too bad he fried tho.

Yeah I was honestly disappointed you never got to play as Desmond as the main character in a modern-day AC. Really thought AC 1, 2, and brotherhood were leading up to that.

It seemed like they were just about ready to branch out into it with AC Brotherhood and the scooby doo club. The modern-day parts of Brotherhood were probably my favourite next to the puzzle segments.

Then they threw it all under a bus and kept the series wheel-spinning in purgatory forever.

haven't played an AC since the first one. Do they still have the weird modern day stuff where you talk to people before logging back into the Matrix.

I dont think they had any planos after revelations. It all looks so bad, and killing him was a bad choice. Till this day, it has never been the same and it feels like a out of control train.

Nope, they entirely dropped the future plot.

He died saving the world from the sun, but unleashed juno on the world, who hasn't done shit or been mentioned since afaik

did they smash?

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Yes, some are third person, some are first person and some are just a video of someone explaining the plot to you.

I think desmond has a son, dont know if it was with her tho.

>worst sections of the game
>gets killed off instead of improved for the future
Not that exploring the past isn't fun anymore

i'm certain that was the original plan.
but then ubisoft figured "hurr forget about overarching plots, if we stick to the past, we can make sequels forevar!!"

personally i felt that ac3 was going to be the last installment in the series for having the whole "end of the world" plot and even killing desmond off.
but then we'd never get ac4 which is objectively the best ac game right now

But they could've made sequels forever anyway. Just come up with new villains, setups and situations. They've got no problem doing this for Far Cry but utterly dropped the ball with AC.

Aren't far cry and ac in the same universe?

I have a love/hate thing with ac4, the game itself for me its amazing, top 3 for sure, but some of ubi choices about the menu, locking content after a while and not being able to get 100% gets me really fucking mad. Just played yesterday and I can get all the itens anymore.

Yes, and watch_dogs too.

>Just come up with
but user, designing characters and worlds from scratch is much more effort dont you see? History has infinite milking potential!

The franchise died when they killed him off, I know it was going downhill before that but I was really looking forward to see how the modern day arc and the people that came before story would pan out

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are you niggers serious? ubisoft is getting more stupid by the day. to think what a cool publisher they were back in the day...

Yup! And there is more that I cant remember right now. If you think this is stupid, wait until you see the mess that is the AC comics.

>play up until III for the plot
>headcanon Desmond defeating the Templars
>play IV, Rogue and Unity ignore the Modern Day
You can't stop me

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>who hasn't done shit or been mentioned since afaik

Ay wassa matta you altair

I don't like Layla.

That''s racist.

The 2012 ubisoft is dead. Far cry 3 and AC 3 were the top of the hill they died. Far cry was a good game and AC was a new thing, new engine and new main character.

they replaced desmond with a woman that can rewrite history

Cassandra is hot tho.

You’re racist

just played 1 through revelations and GODDAMN those were way better than this new bullshit. i usually hate the soul v soulless meme but this series really is the epitome of it.

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>But they could've made sequels forever anyway
my guess is they thought that if the main trilogy ended with the Desmond arc coming to a close most people would have just lost interest in the series, and they were probably right

Now that we know how bad it is, maybe. But at the time the hype was huge, some People were hoping for a better plot after the desmond/Sun arc. I remember the leak trailer for ac4 and to think they would fuck up so bad after all the se years.