This is the future of streaming

Attached: pekogearsolid.png (658x210, 165K)

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Damn, it looks bright

>no facecam cancer

are you just ignoring the bottom right, and how they have the entire game feed cropped (and partially covered up even) to show off their le wacky and epic chat?

>and how they have the entire game feed cropped (and partially covered up even) to show off their le wacky and epic chat?
That is a livestream norm, user.

So? It's a facecam, and it's still covering up gameplay. How can anyone like watching this shit?

>anime is seeping into literally everything
Best timeline.

ah yes because japanese streaming/entertainment trends head westward

people have been doing this shit for years. im not sure what your point is

>Nijisanji airs straight up yuri porn
How can "homo"live even compete?

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Watch the dumb demonetized Aussie streaming right now after her previous stream was taken down by YouTube in 3 minutes!

I come here for the funny clips

>her face when "playing" MGS4 this weekend

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The worst is they are appealing more and more to west viewers and are starting to go as far as subbing short streams themself like Coco and her AsaCoco or by opening auditions for english speaker vtubers.
Just don't ruin the originals though

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this is just annoying

vr streamers and sex workers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pile of shit you smear your self with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>real e-celebs and thotts

Other than her voice, what's the problem?

4th thread in row, you are pushing your luck with the sleeping janny now

Best Vtuber coming through. Her lessers fear and respect her

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that youtube link doesn't look very australian

it's only a matter of time before jannies fall down the vtuber rabbit hole too


vtubers becoming popular means more funding for the creation of real anime girls in the future

This is why I unironically like vinesauce

Great! Now show me the furry avatars.

Less 3d whores and more cute girls !

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Roa is my cute daughter


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Roa is a broken OL that lives an unhealthy lifestyle. Please help her get on the right track.