Woah, so this is the future of VR

Woah, so this is the future of VR

Attached: 1586934794002.jpg (750x750, 109.46K)

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I mean, what else are you expecting?

Attached: nargacuga vrchat.webm (1048x674, 2.92M)

>the way he just nonchalantly explains this as he begins to have sex with a pony
Holy shit we're doomed.

>could have made this for generic VR sex games
>specifically does it for ponyshit

Attached: 20170912_212427155_iOS.jpg (600x600, 45.83K)

The human is a fascinating creature.

Attached: 1542586713454.png (381x396, 10.1K)

>Just causally explaining how he is going to fuck a pony in VR like its no big thing
Kinda endearing

This is good to see. It's sort of a given that any Western progress in this area would be furry-related, but it shouldn't be too hard to adapt to humanoids


i wanna chat :(

Game looks cool OP is it out yet?

i wish human females were real.

>preferring generic shit to fantasy
you sound absolutely miserable

Based, I can't wait to have sex with my pony waifu in VR

the future is bright

Attached: virt-a-mate1.webm (580x692, 2.89M)

sorry I don't enjoy fucking horses user, or the fantasy of fucking horses

Attached: 1585662357485.jpg (455x527, 31.42K)


Attached: the final frontier.webm (648x360, 2.94M)

I wish my Kinect was this smooth. I'm glitchy as fuck
When the fuck will there be a better VR fullbody alternative?


The dude who made the source video of that made another where he explains that he's using extra sensors strapped onto both of his feet and his waist.

Incredible. We've almost reached the future. I'm honestly glad this is starting with anthro shit because while humans might be harder from an artistic standpoint, it's harder to get the program to handle the great variety of nonhumans that degenerates want to fuck. If you can do a horse or an eldritch abomination, you can easily do a human.

>almost all of the characters already have their voices synthesised
>that russian fag making a functional filly robot still active and working on it since 2012
>At least 10 VR projects, all impressive
>tfw ponyfags will stick their flags in the moon and be the first ones to fuck their waifus

Attached: punkass.jpg (531x374, 17.48K)

how can women even compete? will this solve the issues of overpopulation?

Link Please?

Attached: the fuck.jpg (816x568, 44.71K)


>stick their flags in the moon
close, try the international space station

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Attached: 1586856867085.jpg (737x709, 225.79K)

get the fuck out then

Thank you user

Attached: 1586824181722.gif (500x364, 982.27K)

we used to ban filth like you retard

keep talking newfaggot

Before that, we laughed at normalfags like you.


We've almost made it, bros.

You WILL fuck your waifu in the next decade.

But where do i hide by electronic fleshlight thingy so my parent wont find it.

Put a lightbulb in it and a lampshade on top. Pretend it's a shitty lamp.