Why aren't you playing VRChat?
Why aren't you playing VRChat?
My autism level isn't high enough.
Is this some ABDL shit?
But I'm in VR/VRC for like 2-8 hours almost every day user.
Not counting world/avatar work. It's great.
Do you have video/clips?
Post more tomoko.
>be socially inept retard
>maybe i can come out of my shell in VR if i pretend i'm a cute anime girl with other degenerates
>be socially inept retard in VR
Much like drinking and driving, me and faggots don't mix.
*heals ur soul*
Every single one of them is a guy.
Jesus, man. I heard from some coping retard that VRchat was infected with people who just take some meme model and copy-paste it, but that video really proves it. I won't say there's no variation but there are too many that are just a color-swap.
There's actually Japanese girls talking in the video, so at least 2 of them are girls.
This type of shit makes me want to bully.
Because I've actually experienced good things so now these VR animations just look very poor and unappealing to me. But what could this generation know about good.
Imagine all those sweaty, overweight adult men roleplaying as those girls in voice synthesizers.
you'll only make them harder
is this the new tranny blackmail discord thread?
I would genuinely not hesitate to curb stomp this thing to death
>sees cute thing
>wants to kill it
congrats, you're literally a low IQ knuckle dragging retard
Because I just got out. Had a fucking hilarious night.
Im not reading that shit tldr
That applies to animals dipshit
Mind telling me what animal is
Please /vrg/ stop fucking posting the exact same thread every fucking hour or so.
We fucking know you made a bump bot on /vg/ because the Thread is dead. You don’t need to bring another spam bit on too Yas Forums. We have some good vr threads here. Wtf is your mentality I’ll problem?
But user, this literally hurts my soul.
Cute things can trigger aggressive thoughts or behaviors in some people, but I don't see anything linking it to IQ.
>implying those aren't also guys
Jap NEETS enjoy pretending to be girls too, user. See also: Every Virtual YouTuber.
FUCKING STOP! drop your spooks man, the digital world breaks down all your codes: cultural symbolism, linguistic barriers, borders and imaginary lines.
If you wanna sell me a quest or rift S sealed at retail price plus shipping I'll play
Fuck scalper faggots
>Cute things can trigger aggressive thoughts or behaviors in some people
Reminds me of something that happened here 10 years ago.
are these threads like a psyop or something? They have to be, it's almost scary.