How do you play games with ADD?

How do you play games with ADD?

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I do not play any games with ADD. It seems like it would be an unpleasant experience.

Video games are one of the few things I can actually do with ADD

are the antennae there to say that she's chinese?

This and also work, for whatever reason my ADD doesn't act up when I know I'm making money, but daily tasks fucking suck.

Tfw Life is shit for us ADD people...

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Is ADD real ? I think I have it but my family and friends think otherwise.
My life sucks

Joel and Ellie die.

>Wah, im an undusciplined, lazy manchild
>Hmm, if i make up some pseudo-medical term i can blame it while also feeling special!

It's one of those fake consolation disorders used to explain a kid's bad grades to parents.

>mental illnesses aren't real cause I can't see them

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>wah i have nothing to complain about and complaining is what i do to keep from killing myself
>i know, i'll go antagonize random people
the lowest of humanity, you are on par with cannabalistic serial killers and rapists

I have to take breaks every 15 minutes to do something else (be it a quick walk around my room or looking at my phone), it’s not too bad but games definitely take me twice as long as regular people to finish.
I just wish I didn’t get so distracted during real conversations to the point where short term memory loss kicks in for the smallest of things.

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Normally I don't have the will to play anything I want to and just play the same lots of stuff to "do" but its really just watching numbers get bigger games. But I've been really good this past week. I finished Prey, Doom, and I'm almost done with Black Flag. I think I'll play Praey for the Gods next.

Imagine thinking mental illness isn't real in 2020 when you can literally see some of them on a CT scan

I don't, I shitpost on Yas Forums instead.

>wah, I'm a kissless permavirgin!
>I know - I'll act like a big faggot online and throw a big faggy tantrum whenever I encounter literally anything that makes me remember how inferior I am

unlike what says, add is real and people who deny it want to feel special about themselves

It's real, goy. Now buy mind-altering pills for your young child.

Ah yes, ((((((((doctors)))))))) say its real so it must be true

i feel like i've got a lot of these things but i've never gotten formally diagnosed
how do i go about that
t. American with no health insurance

Samefag projection

dude nothing is real lmao ! ! !

I fucking hate having ADHD, I feel like I could have done much better in school than I did without ADHD.

Based retard

you will never amount to anything in life if you post on Yas Forums all day

>I want to do thing
>But I'm a lazy and anxious fuck
Every ADHD sob story ever
t. ADHD retard

>How do you play games with ADD?
With Yas Forums on my second monitor to consume my excess attention.

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Did you have awful social skills too?

you're not special

Do you also feel the same way about OCD?

kind of. I had like 4 friends in high school. Never dated a girl.

Yes, and?
Why would mental illness make me special
No one is special

I don't have ADD but I'm probably autistic and suffering some of those things on that list. I just try not to speak that much or catch myself if I get over energetic about something. Single player games can be hard because I'll get completely drawn in by one game and burn myself out and just not play anything for weeks on end.

Before meds I'd play on the PC while watching Youtube videos or shows on the laptop at the same time, sometimes with music in the background. After meds, I just sit down and enjoy the game. Before I preferred harder games like Nioh or Dark Souls and sucked at competitive games, now it's the inverse.
That being said, ADD is extremely overdiagnosed and I'm pretty sure I only need the meds because my mom put me on them when I was a kid.

I have ADD i would stab you for that.

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Still projecting?

Let me guess, you're antivax and a flat earther too?

what do you guys take
i was taking guanfacine for a while and it didn't really help

Of course, ((((((((((doctors)))))))))) can do no wrong.
Just like when they "cure" "gender dysphoria" by telling people to chop their dicks off and wreck their bodies with hormone replacement meds.

idiot suck my fucking dick moron poopoo head

you're not a mentally ill snowflake either. you're just lazy and narcissistic

>i'll come in and project and then accuse others of doing it
next you'll make up a story about being successful

nothing is real

>tfw can't play games without masturbating

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