This is why I bought a PlayStation?

This is why I bought a PlayStation?

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Bad videogames?

Sorry dude. The RE2 remake was too good for this timeline, such that it built up too much opposite potential and created a timeline where the most hyped games of all time turn out to be shit. That’s where we’re living. Looking forward to Half Life 3? I wouldn’t if I were you.

What would you rather play?

Yeah, Blu-ray players are often used to watch movies, I don't see the problem here.

real niggas bought it for bloodborne

There are so many other games to choose from on the system but you choose to be a drone and play follow the leader. Get a grip. Go play some games instead of whining on a korean basket weaving forum.

Well to be fair that's what Playstation has always been like more or less. Final Fantasy went to PS1, cinematic games has always been on Playstation. The only real difference is that they have way more PC and SJW influence now

No, this should be why

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Don't put FF7R next to that abomination.
Remake was a fucking masterpiece.

how can you compare ff7 remake with tlou 2 with a straight face?

>RE2 remake
>too good for this timeline

How can that be when it's still inferior to the original?

because they're both trash that are blatantly disrespectful to originals.

Bloodborne, Gravity Rush 2, and Spider-Man were all really fun. I haven't played FF7R outside of the demo at my friend's but it seems pretty fun.
The Last of Us 2 seems like it's Game of Thrones S8/Last Jedi levels of terrible.

>they delay the game for maximum profits
>shit gets leaked and they lose tons of sales

You bought a PS4 for a shitty movie and a game that's gonna come to PC? Kinda retarded my man.

PS4 was a decent system. Better than the PS3. Much worse than the 1 and 2, but they're the best systems ever so it's understandable.
I'm disappointed by a lot of the games Sony published this generation and I'm disappointed in a lot of third parties, but I did enjoy a lot of games. It's just a shame that the system's swan song is a soon to be iconic disappointment. Hopefully the 5 starts off with something better.

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FF7R will come to PC.
And TLOU2 is complete garbage after the shitty pro LGBT ending.
Your point is ?

ff7r is a solid arpg in its own right and is least offensive thing to come out since the original game

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The Last of Us 2 being super pro trans is not even in the top ten reasons why it's terrible

Isn't The Last of Us II delayed indefinitely?
So much for dev crunch

>ff7r is a solid arpg in its own right
It really isn't

I bought it for Pirate warriors 3, get fucked OP

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It's ok.
When TLOU2 release theFloW will release the new exploit as he promised years ago.
All is good.

I think that's something a lot of people on both sides can't take into context with 7R
It's the first game in the series that isn't terrible in about twenty years, so a lot of people love it because fuck yeah dude a good FF. But it's the first game in the series that isn't terrible, and a lot of people hate it because they still see a lot of what made those decades bad for the series.
I think it's a good game but I get why people are just sour on the brand.

So cheaply killing both of the main characters of the previous games ?

Off bad judgement

Each Snoy system has been getting worse then the last. PS1 > PS2 > PS3 > PS4

based pirateCHAD

What about 4 user? Or did you get it on switch?

Good one

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i bought mine for bloodborne and CTR and happy as fuck with the purchase

2 > 1 > 3 = 4

How many quality exclusives are on the 3 compared to the 4?
Not to mention how bad third party developers, especially from Japan, was during that generation



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Christ the redeemer.

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Cock and Ball Racing nitro fueled also on xbox and switch

why would i buy it on the switch though

not an argument, poorfags

it's fucking worse than crisis core man, total irredeemable shit. and the plot is worse than anything. it's worse than AC worse than DoC.

Portability would be my only guess.

Better than 3 just too easy.

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>worse than DoC
you're stretching a liitle too much user

I bought one for booodborne, dark souls trilogy. Sekiro, crash, Spyro and some games like jack and daxter
>still no ps1 classics on PS4 PSN