Animal crossing

Why are animal crossing fans so autistic?
>new horizons went way out of it's way to address nearly every complaint about game mechanics from the previous game
>I hate public works projects
>ok go put furniture outside it's the same thing now
>uwaaa waaa i hate the rocks
>ok u can smash rocks now
>i hate that villagers have agency and build houses anywhere
>ok now they have to ask permission from u bby
>aAAAAAAA i hate where buildings are
>ok u can change it with monys
>AAaaaAAAA I hate my face/gender
>ok go look at mirror then
and then the second the AC development team decides to take some liberties with this NEW GAME
>ur on an island, we're gonna build up some satistfying progression where you build a thriving community from scratch
>ur on an island, we should make an island themed soundtrack

It's like there's no pleasing AC fans.

Attached: -Rosie_-_Animal_Crossing_New_Leaf.png (269x598, 154.7K)

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almost as if the fanbase consists of more than one person

I think if they:
>fixed the villager dialouge
>put back in the cafe (sounds like that will happen)
>have cut special villagers return as random visitors who give you special items (like Gracie Grace)
>eep patching in holidays currently cut from the game (again like they are doing)
>add more furniture
>add swimming/diving (again sounds like this is coming)
>make minor tweaks to UI and conversations to cut back on time
It would be the best AC game. I think it is doing a great job right now, and with free updates like this past one it will just keep getting better. I think the cut content is fair to complain about, but it seems like this will get fixed eventually. Villager dialouge and music is also fair, just not sure if that can be fixed as much.

I fuckin love with they did with NH and I cant wait to see what future updates will bring.

Attached: VR.jpg (495x504, 80.49K)

This is a legitimate complaint.

I think you're confusing the AC fanbase with shitposters and spergs that post on Yas Forums

Attached: dissatisfaction.jpg (250x214, 7.52K)

>patching in holidays
Yes you know like when they happen. Shit would be epic.

Animal crossing is a fucking grind fest. If you pretend normal people with a job is playing this shit, you are delusional. Most people don't go and grind their job for 10 hours then come back to grind treasures and bells for their houses in a game, you know.
This is also the root of the problem with the industry, where they put "unlock everything for 10 bucks" and people unironically pays, because who the fuck wants to grind more after grinding.

>unlock everything for 10 bucks
but animal crossing doesn't do this
NH exists in this weird timeline where it feels like an app game that doesn't have in-app purchases and all the premium money is free.

what I don't understand is that so many people defend the 1 island limit. it's straight up just a ploy to sell more consoles, they removed a standard in video games

That's exactly why everybody playing it is either 12 or an autismo, user.

I don't like it, and I am not defending it when I say this: I think they did it based on how saves work with the Switch. To my understanding its tied to only one save file per game? Like you can't have two save files for Mario Odyssey right? Using Mario Odyssey as an example, they could have expanded the save file to allow for more than one island when you first start the game. It would be kind of weird because thats not how the past games worked. I don't know, I think they just didn't want to spend the energy to fix it and pkus like you said it ensures more purchases for the Switch. Also you are restricted if you play as the second player. I think WW and NL were tied to the cartridge, and GCN was tied to the memory sticks. I guess CF would be the best comparison then.

>Like you can't have two save files for Mario Odyssey right?
but you can, what are you talking about? you can have 5 saves per user

>timegating EVERYTHING
>adding durability, which literally nobody asked for
>adds customization but certain furniture is locked to a specific color and can’t be changed
>multiplies textbox dumps by a billion while having villager dialogue shallow and repeated for days on end

Addressed problems my ass

So now that I am super bored, what's a good game to emulate? I don't have a 3ds.

I guess my point is that if you load another Users save file, it doesnt get seperated on the console does it? Like if you go into your memory card with two users having their own save slots (ten in total), the console doesnt treat each users save seperately does it?
The villager is the one tied to the User account, so it would be tricky to tie the island and villager seperately. That or only one island per one villager per one account. I think they just took the easiest, most cost effective approach honestly.

>retard zoomers itt are unironically complaining that NH "feels like an IAP game without the IAPs"

>fixed the villager dialouge
Honestly if they need to fix one thing, it's this. They somehow made Snooties more friendly than Peppies.
How the fuck do you even do that, for what purpose?
[spoilers]Well I like snooties so I wont complain too much, but fuckin really?[/spoiler]

>no customization/solved
>just like every Animal Crossing

>it doesnt get seperated on the console does it?
I don't really understand what you mean. each user can have 5 unique saves that aren't tied to eachother, one save can be 100% and you can still start a completely fresh one that isn't affected in any way, as if it's the first time you're playing the game
I don't see why AC has to be different

Not a single one of those are arguments and dialogue is objectively the worst in the series


There is a similar amount of things to do as the previous games. What more do they need to add?

>fixed the villager dialouge
There's nothing to "Fix", this has always been how the dialogue has been. Anyone who thinks the Gamecube version is remotely a frame of reference is wrong because the Gamecube version is entirely rewrites. Wild World on are how the dialogue is supposed to be, you're not supposed to constantly be insulted by random villagers, you're not supposed to have villagers act like they're out of their mind, it was never like that in N64, it's all made up.

But the yelling and insults were hilarious.

I agree, but it's not correct to the game, it's made up by the localization team. The characters ARE supposed to be relatively dry.

i think the localization team did good here. Every day Americans are a lot more rude than Japanese too so the change in attitude makes sense.

GC was good times
>hey bro your event item in your pockets is looking mighty fine
>I will now proceed to force trade you it for this guy fieri shirt

Modded consolefag here. Save files are saved to the console. By emulating the console, on the console, I can have 2 islands. It's not difficult for me to do. AC devs are directly making it so that your console's OS can store only one island.
Think of it like dual-booting on a computer.

Villagers really do try and pawn the worst shit possible.

Its really not any different than the original animal crossing game since they also only allowed 1 town per memory card. They even kind of made it a point that it was supposed to be played collaboratively with friends / family. You could create a new town using a different memory card, though.

My only complaint is that tools take up space in your inventory.

There can't be dedicated slots for them somewhere else that's not your pockets?

ok, but if i wanted to play a second town, I could just buy another 59 block memory card, if I wanted a second WW or NL town, I could buy another cart.
I don't have that option here.
I'm NOT gonna buy another switch to have 2 towns.

The tool ring should effectively act as a separate tool inventory. I don’t know how they fucked that up.

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I don't like that the keychain upgrade or whatever it is doesn't save assigned slots after you drop or break a tool.

I didn't say it was new to the AC series, the feature being missing in previous games too isn't real an excuse
>They even kind of made it a point that it was supposed to be played collaboratively with friends / family
which would be nice if it was optional, there's no reason both options can't be done

Man I forgot how ugly City Folk looked. We've really come a long way.


duh. It is always about money. I don't understand (or I do, if everybody here is unironically 12 or zoom) how people still pretend that devs don't do this shit to force you to buy more consoles and games, like pokemon.