Why the fuck am I actually feeling sad

and I dont even like The Last of Us, what a hell is this?

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Joel was the best part of the first game. They did him dirty.

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Just go to liveleak and watch people get die and get killed. You'll feel better.

alternatively, come to Yas Forums

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This human drama is making me not want to play what is a mechanically fun zombie game.

You are feeling sad because you know that there were people who actually liked the first game and enjoyed it's story, and even though it might not have been a good game you know that it was well made and the second one shitting on everything good about the first one makes you sad.

kek, I had only seen the wheelbarrow one before. Beautiful

RIP male Sony protag. You will be missed.

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the sequel shouldnt of been about joel/ellie in the first place. they shouldve just left the first game alone, and actually come up with new interesting characters for a sequel.

but nope, of course they cant do that, they cant just let a decent story be. they have to milk it and re-use the same characters because braindead audience has to me coddled with returning, same characters.

fuck you, fuck naughty dog, fuck sony. everyone gets fucked in this situation.

I meant even thought it might not have been your cup of tea not "good game"

Why didn't he get up and run?

>Last of Us was one of my favorite games of the last generation
>I could understand people's issues with the game and can understand why they weren't a fan
>The leaks destroyed all interest I had in the game
Well... $60 saved I guess...

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Because the only good part of the first game’s writing was Joel and Ellie’s relationship. It had a hopeful message, that a broken man can learn to love again.
And the second game takes that and just shits all over it with its fucking nihilistic revenge.


Am I weird for having the opinion that RDR2 was only instances of one of my favorite games of all time getting a sequel actually exceeding my expectations and not being a disappointment?

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seriously man come on

I think of Joel as a euphemism for the whole Sony gaming division.

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Finally, he has been avenged.

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>I'll never have sex with one of many ellen paige self insert characters
Oh no, how will I bear my life without her?

except this one is the peak cunny version


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Because it's sad to see a game just get fucking dumpstered, and to see an absolute mess that took half a decade of work to make end up being total shit.

You can buy 6 copies of Xcom: Swat with shit art direction now :]

Does the dog actually die? I dont wanna click.

Yes. Faggot

you believed you knew what was the lowest point of humanity and they showed you wrong.

No, the heckin doggerino doesn't die. You can put your tissues away now.

where's this video?

no, it will make you laugh

Why the fuck do you people care the first game fucking sucked

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click it, i promise you laughs and peace of mind.

brazilians have it i just got this off another thread

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A part of yourself is aware of the innate wrongness of how rich and powerful people are purposefully writing content for the general populace that's meant to be corrupting and demoralizing towards everything you love. And a part of yourself is also aware of the innate wrongness of how you're told you're bad for disliking it.


This is amazing i get to retroactively shit all over them now.

>Joel was the best part of the first game.

This. Killing Joel is fine, but to do it in that way then AND THEN to kill Ellie making the entirety of the first game pointless is fucked. Nobody wants to see a guy that did so much get shit on for his final reward.

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no not the h*ckin pupperino


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>introduce character that was obviously gonna die
>kill her like 5 minutes layer
>play sad music
The first games story is so fucking bad lol

no it's pretty funny actually :)

Killing off Joel is going to be the biggest mistake in video game story history.

He was an iconic Sony character and he's one of the reasons why everyone liked the first game. This game is going to be a fucking shitfest.

Your days are over CIS scum


Found her. - Carascina Caradonna

>killing off Joel AND Ellie
>force the player to play as their killer for half the game
Neil fucked up big time

does she get blacked?