Games that have aged like milk

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>all the crying about "what TPP must have been like before Konami jacked Kojima" every single thread we discuss this game
Really makes you think

If you guys really cared about MGSV's development, you would be hacking Konami's servers and leaking MGSV prototypes right now

Don't be a pathetic chicken. Be like Wack0 (who hacked Nintendo and leaked the Pokemon SpaceWorld 1997 protos) and become a based hero. Pokemon Blue, Yellow, AND GOLD'S source code leaked for fucks sake
>But I don't want to go to jail

>believing discord bullshit
those leaks are fake, how fucking gullible are you people

MGSV has some of the most iconic scenes in the series, and the most polished gameplay

If anything I would say that time has only made the game more palatable. Without the absurd amount of hype, speculation, and heartbreak, the game is able to just be appreciated for what it is. The gameplay is solid enough and fun to come back to every now and then, especially if you slap some mods on it and open up some potential for tweaking and balancing to suit your own tastes.

replayed Ground Zeroes recently and it's still one hell of a blast
why the fuck wasn't TPP designed like this?

played it a few days ago
forgot how fun and well done its gameplay was

I played it, there are no iconic scenes, and the gameplay has no purpose, because nothing makes any sense, so who cares how smooth it is?

Recently got back into it after watching FOB videos on youtube. It's great in terms of gameplay but yeah the story is weak.

Fuck that Back up Back down mission though.

It's fine. It's not even that much past the expiration date. I can still drink

Honestly, if Sony got licensing rights from Konami and Kojima vowed to finish what he started on the Decima engine you faggots would forgive every transgression he’d ever inflicted, both real and perceived

>Inb4 not me

Shut the fuck up. You once found comfort in fandom and now find comfort in cynicism, lord knows how you’d destroy yourself further if your cynicism were to be taken from you, as an alcoholic denied his liquor

>has some of the most iconic scenes in the series
like what? I played the whole thing when it came out and I honestly can't remember a single one.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

the sony eye toy. I tried to play the window cleaning game again, and holy fuck it's not holding up

Still waiting for mods to add a knife for silent CQC kills, or at least a make the prone punch lethal damage and give it a knife sound and blood effects.

Pretty much the entire N64. What a trash console.

Jealous, used to shelve them all the time and wish I’d picked one up ;_;

its the best in the series imo

dude vocal chord parasites lmao

Metallic Archaea is the second best boss fight in the series behind Liquid Ocelot.

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>polished gameplay
The auto cover system is total ass.

I love the bases in Afghanistan and it's beautiful to just look at but when I get to Angola it just turns to shit and I remember where the story missions are taking me and I just want it all to be over.

was it kino?

Aged like milk into a fine and an excellent cheese

Kingdom of the Flies was the only substantial thing cut and that was dropped earlish in development


damn that's a pleb as fuck opinion bro.

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It has unencrypted mesage ID strings that not even a CityHash bruteforcer can bruteforce. They're real and you are a fag.

>suck my balls
Present them.

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what's this about?

Also if you're talking about the Pokemon leaks instead they are entirely real, sans for the Pokethon hack which is clearly bullshit by a certain Trannix.

You're right, I totally faked the entire gold source code, plus a shitload of translation documents, hell even wrote a gameboy emulator with legit japanese locale abilities, and faked 600+ builds and even 4 demos of the game within my spare time because I definitely have autism

You certainly do have autism. The severity of it seems pretty bad.

It's actually aged quite well you autist

Uh huh. I totally also faked a bunch of proto sprites plus a WIP of Hitmontop because I could.

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