A lesbian is the only immune one

>She will not have children.
>There will never be a new generation immune people.

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never made sense ellie was a lesbian in the first place
she's a kid born in the apocalypse
all the social conditioning and over population driving non-reproductive deviance wouldnt exist in the apocalypse
shed have just been a normal girl

correct...being gay is genetic, lesbians are just made up shit

>and that's a good thing

I mean just because she's a lesbian doesn't mean she can't fucking save humanity and let somebody fuck her to get pregnant

>lesbians can't get dicked
Based retard

Well you see

But she won't, because she's a lesbian.

In addition, you should have several children if you want to create a new generation of immune people, one is not enough.

>There will never be a new generation immune people.

Good, fuck humanity.

Mr armchair scientist man! If an immune woman has 4 children, what are the chances of each child carrying the immunity too?

she deserves to die

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Faggot shit is not genetic you subversive jew piece of shit. Go out behind your house and kill yourself faggot

>I was excluded for acting like a spaz
>she didn't like me because I was weird/not popular
>they showed my deviant art page to everyone at school
>fuck society misanthropes will rise from the rubble
I can visualise your trench coat and toy sawed off

Holy fucking shit is there a full video for that picture?

>If an immune woman has 4 children, what are the chances of each child carrying the immunity too?
up to 80%

>gayness and trannies destroy the only hope for humanity

>"Woah woah woah... you see that dyke right there? Looks like she's hit rock bottom. Well, turns out that's me. I know, crazy right?"
>"Now I bet you're wondering how I got myself into this situation. Well it all started in the summer of '14..."

its called dramatic ironic you morons. the audience understands the significance of a lesbian having the cure but ellie has no fucking idea

thank god, human race needs to be wiped out if its from zombies then i guess its from zombies

Yeah I’m sure that’s what Cuckmann was going for and not just social brownie points.

Wrong. She will be getting dicked until she eventually dies in childbirth in order to spread her genes. She’s not gonna like it, but it is necessary for human survival.

joel literally decides not to tell her at the end of episode 1, how is it not dramatic irony at this point with how much they play up her lesbianism in the sequel?

maybe Joel

>Implying the 1st game zombieshit plot matters at all in this leftist projection piece
I doubt the word zombie even gets mentioned between all the tranny praise and white male beatings.

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There are already people frothing at their Twitters about an lgbt fictional character getting killed while a worldwide pandemic is killing hundreds of people daily. Brownie points is the equivilant to selling out your friend for a handful of silver.

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>Where kevin nash was brutally raped by a pack of bulbasaurs

Uh, honey, strong independent women will get their simps to donate sperm for her.

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I am so sick of this mediocre franchise being heralded as the greatest game of all time by literally fucking everyone, I feel like I am getting more retarded by osmosis by sharing the same hobby as these tasteless cunts

Because Druckmann is known for shoehorning this social justice shit into his games? When did they bring up that “irony” during the DLC made months after the game?

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Did you forget why Ellie was immune? She's infected with a benign version of the cordyceps, it has nothing to do with her genetics.

Ellie was a terf. She deserved it

>tranny kills straight man and lesbian girl
man, naughtydog is trying to be really woke

>how is it not dramatic irony at this point with how much they play up her lesbianism in the sequel?
WHY THE FUCK DID SHE TURN LESBIAN IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE. IN A WORLD OF ISOLATION AND NO FUCKING INTERNET THAT CAN'T FUCKING HAPPEND UNLESS YOU (THEY) ARE IMPLYING THAT HOMOSEXUALITY IS A BIOLOGICAL TRAIT. Holy shit, giving Druckmann enough credit to actually tell a story like this is far fetched enough with how shit the actual storytelling is but denying our basic fucking understanding of sexuality and biology is another. He is a fucking hack, deal with it.

You can't restore humanity from one person you dumbass.

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and lesbian's gf

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People have always been gay. Fucking Sappho of Lesbos existed literally thousands of years ago and was basically such a massive lesbian that the entire thing was named after her.

wait i thought she was modelled after Ellen Page?

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>kill the jewess
holy shit, this is too woke. what is naughty dog trying to mean by this?


kill yourself discord JIDF shill


It's a fungus that grows on the brain stem AFAIK. What kind of immunity can be harvested from that? Or is it just "video game fuck off" magic?

>A single study
>From 2008
>With no follow up or peer review
You are actually fucking retarded.

Can we stop being pol for at least 1 thread?

is there a video or only screenshots?

Can I get a link?

>She will not have children.

there is a video but its on facebook and the source is unknown the screenshots are from twitter




She is, now this is truly Last of Us.

literally me, hang all normies

Notice how I'm not saying that they don't exist but how it is extremely improbable that it is borderline impossible in the world of TLOU. Since homosexuality isn't a biological ''trait'' as far as anyone knows, it can only be a social/psychological one. Last time I read some history, 99% of mankind werent litteraly locking themselves inside buildings 24/7 and avoiding social contact thousands of years ago.

10 years ago people here loved this weird slut. God she's aged like milk.

Only trannies can beat the mushroom zombies now