Reminder this game is less than 2 dollars on Steam right now.
Reminder this game is less than 2 dollars on Steam right now
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The atmosphere in this game is pure SOUL.
But I already got a $20 version 6 years ago. Surely it's better.
how is it in VR?
half life alyx ruined video games for me entirely. flat screen feels so archaic and no other VR game even compares to it
just got it a few hours ago, thanks for reminding me though based alien bro
Is the DLC worth it?
Base game is a steal for thhe price but the DLC seems the usual Sega shit.
is AVP 2010 any good?
My Steam right now
Is the dlc worth it?
The one set in the original movie is tempting. Reading it's a bit short though.
It really depends on how much you like the base game's gameplay. They're pretty much just about mastering it as best you can. The two Alien movie DLCs are neat though, especially since most of the original cast returns.
Is this part canon?
It's 50 US cents in Mexico, I got bored when I tried it on release but I'll give it a try later.
>steam version
>switch version
Life is suffering
Do they discuss the bonus situation?
The attenttion to detail is absurd.
god they fucking nailed the atmosphere for the entire game, especially this part
gave me chills
Does the DLC add anything to the base gameplay? I’ve never played this game. Does it add additional weapons or change it in any way?
Or should I just get the 2 dollar deal and buy the 2 story DLCs after ?
i want a proper sequel so bad bad but i know that it could very easily be fucked up so maybe it's for the best
Last Survivor and Crew Expendable are two very, very short levels where you play as characters from the original. They're decent but nothing special, probably worth the incredibly low current price.
The other DLCs are just time trial stuff. They don't add anything to the base campaign.
I rewatched the 2 first movies after playing it and they nailed everything.
Computers, keyboards, the cutting torch thing, weapons.
Even the detonation device iin tthe end is copied as a homage.
It's ok.
Even the random dead guy with a magazine shoved down his throat is a reference to the movie.
it's a mediocre game with some pretty good bits in it
playing as a human is the only really fun part. Being a predator is just too overpowered.
no, not really. they add absolutely nothing to the base game
new short 30min scenarios and game modes. safe haven salvage mode is pretty fun
crew expendable and last survivor have a few audiologs but aren't particularly interesting outside of taking place in nostromo
Are they harder than the base game?
Don't be a pussy.
It is ok.
Not bad in any way but not particularly good either. Might be worth it if you are a fan but not if you are not. Predator campaign was kind of shit and alien started out fine but got pretty boring and generic fast. Marine is what you would expect.
AvP 2000's marine campaign is still my favorite