The leaks are here and nobody is surprised to learn that the story is riddled with LGBT SJW shit. We need to make this game flop... cuz if it sells well then we'll have more "woke" culture infesting our games.

Attached: tranny.jpg (750x422, 17.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Inject bleach whitey.

I'm not white but nice try tho.


Does it upset you to know this game will sell extremely well?

muh seekrit club

Sad attempt at falseflag, discord tranny.

What would Chad Daddy say about this game?

Attached: 1528374479092.gif (320x193, 1.79M)

>Lesbians in a long term relationship kill each other

Seems pretty redpilled to me


>One of the surgeons Joel killed had a daughter called Abby
>The Firefly massacre destroyed her whole life, she's been looking for revenge ever since
>Knew who Ellie was because of of her dad talking about their shot at a cure, figured out Joel from Firefly records
>Cult attacks Ellie's settlement and she, Jesse, and Dinah are part of the group sent to track down and attack it - Jesse is killed during this
>Ellie is now violently angry and goes to Seattle looking for the cults home to wipe it out, meets Joel there because he heard about Jesse and came back to help her
>Abby finds Ellie because she's been in conflict with the cult too, so when Ellie hunts them to Seattle and is set to attack them with Joel her group find them and attack
>She kills Joel herself, takes Ellie back to camp debating what to do with her since for all her hate she doesn't blame her for the massacre
>Ellie butchers her group to escape and Abby is now motivated to hunt her down
>Second half of the game is spent as Abby chasing Ellie
>Ellie continues hunting the cult while you chase her down
>Ending is Ellie and Abby fighting to the death
>You kill Ellie as Abby, and she leaves while realizing she's not really "won" in any meaningful way since all she's done is get more of her loved ones killed for the sake of her killing Joel and then Ellie
>Ending is "cycle of revenge" with the loose implication Ellie's friends will hunt Abby now in return

He would wait for the game to come out because he's not a complete cuck.

He’d convert to Xbox at this point

you mean son user

lmao Discord

TLOU2 should've never be a thing.

it won't
they're too late to still cash in on the tLoU boat

>We need to make this game flop
just as delusional as fucking plebbit. Normies are already licking their lips at the idea of playing this shit. As much as I'd love it to flop, it's going to turn a profit. There's not much you can do about that.


Someone post the tortanic comic with the 2 dudes yelling at boats please, don't have it.

Probably in a "batman v superman" millions in the first week kinda way, then when word of mouth has time to spread it will probably drop like a rock. Its a story game, and the story is going to be shit, even for Leftists.

Gamers rise the FUCK up.
This garbage will be the most damaging piece of shit Jewish propaganda piece to ever hit the game world if we let it go untouched
We don't derve to get OUR hobby infiltrated and ruined like that.
Make accounts to any active forum with a gaming sub-forum and spoil the fuck out of this shitty non-game

Is there any video of Abby or of Joel's death? Or Ellies death? The videos that I've seen posted were little useless pieces here and there

go back to your discord

Attached: 1585000389964.png (547x264, 29.38K)

I can hear you choking on your extra chromosomes

Don't care not even play the first one

Joel’s death

Attached: BF6ACDE0-F22C-4E64-844E-25A874086E39.png (254x519, 141.15K)

the main bad guy is a tranny the alphabet people are actually gonna be mad about this lmao


>calling for a raid


Its not about the money goyim. Did netflix stop making cucked ads despite the negative reactions? Nope.

Based af. That's exactly what I'm planning to do. We'll show them no mercy.

Man who is this shit supposed to appeal to? Normalfags are gullible but even mega franchises like GOT and Star Wars got completely shat on when they went for LOL SUBVERSION.


Attached: ak47.jpg (600x544, 89.98K)

I'm actually not too upset anymore that my ps4 bricked itself. Wonder why.

Fakest thread in the whole site

>having to kill the characters everyone got attached to in the first game as a literal who with THE schnozz
I don't even care for the series but what the fuck are these guys thinking

>lesbian killed in the end
>LGBT SJW shit

Your mother posts Wojaks.

This. It's painfully obvious who is making these posts.

I usually really, really don't want bad things to be true, and I hate to see games - even ones I always despised as franchises, such as TLOU - fuck up and flop around.

But my god, this is so amazingly stupid, and so fucking amazingly fitting after the pretentious bullshit that ND has been flaunting since TLOU1, that I genuinely hope this IS true, that this shit is what they went with, story-wise.
Because: my god. That is a fucking. Riot.

I mean the ending it TLOU1 was already misguided as hell. This would be taking what was pretty stupid about the ending of TLOU, and just going 100% mental with it. If this is true, it may be one of THE biggest examples of writers hubris backfiring, and one THE biggest examples of absolute fucking cluelessness in storytelling since... honestly, ever.

It's like Yiik except on AAA level, it's fucking fascinating.

don't care desu. add politics to a game and I simply won't consoom it.

why would a white person have to inject bleach, aren't they already white?

Pretty much this.

Why do the characters look so bad?

>add politics to a game and I simply won't consoom it.
Based. If only normies were as sensible as you.

Red Dead Redemption did a lot better with the topic of revenge being a fools game. This just seems to be a really edgelord way to destroy what made people love the series in the first place. If these leaks are true, Jesus I feel sorry for the fans.

>trying to reason with niggers
C’mon man...

>Doom Eternal was a flop
>Resident Evil 3 remake is a blunder
>Final Fantasy VII remake shit the bed
>The Last of Us 2 is terrible

Guess it's up to Cyberpunk 2077 to save the year.

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