How is GTA V Online still so successful?

it's been 7 fucking years who is still playing this shit?

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I still play it.
Played it this afternoon with a few bros.
I had money rained on me a few years back, so money was never an issue for me, so it's a pretty 10/10 game when you strip R*'s ability to gouge its players. Feels good.

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>coomer anime fag
>shit taste
imagine my shock

GTA Online has the best racing in an online game, period
That's why I play it, and I fucking hate how the cars handle in that game

>has the best racing in an online game
what about Forza?

>turn on gta 4 online
>everybody spawns on the map
>pick up a gun off the floor
>steal some cars
>dick around and fight cops together
>level 10000 joins game
>has a cool hat, picks us up in his chopper and saves us from the SWAT

>turn on gta 5 online
>1hr character creation involving genetic splicing
>finally get into game
>you need to do X missions
>steal car
>instant wanted level, need to buy a grand theft auto
>shoot someone
>bad sport
>Go to shoot more but have no ammo or guns
>need to grind missions to make money to play
>level 100000 joins
>tank on the street, heat seeking missile rapes us all while we cant afford bullets

GTA online went from one of the most fun experiences to the worst in a single game. The ridiculous fun had in GTA4 online that involved nothing more than a sandbox was absurd.

Fuck GTA5 and the billions theyve made from online. Online is shit and has also ruined any chance of fun single player DLC. RIP to the GTA5 equivalent of Gay Tony.

the weirdest thing to me is how you have all these ways to make millions in-game now but rockstar never adjusted shark card values accordingly

who the fuck still drops over twice the base game's price for 8 million when you can make that amount in-game with friends in just a few days is what i want to know

I never played forza horizon 4 which is what I'm assuming what you're talking about, I only got midrange PC and PS4
I see that it's for PC, is the multiplayer any good though? I want to be able to just jump in and play like GTA, no long loading screens, just jump into a race and go at it

GTA 4 online really was the best
>that race to the choppers
>doing stunts at the airport
>wasting hours on the swings seeing how high you can get shot up
good times

Its shantae underage poster


fpbp as always

>is the multiplayer any good though?
I only started playing recently but I've been enjoying myself quite a bit. It's easy to jump into and meet people or play with friends. And yes there is no bullshit missions you gotta do or anything like that before racing. Within minutes of launching the game you are driving

fuck no, MTA all the way

didn't ask don't care
plus you watch anime

Whos parents are paying for this fucken shit? Rockstar makes an obscene amount from shark cards, who is bloody paying??

That's why i don't have a problem with shark cards, make money off idiots like thisWhile us update chads get a delorean for free at the casino

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>getting niggertriggered over an image
>getting so mad that you derail a thread entirely because of it
now i see why these dudes use those pics. based shantae

>install cheat engine
>go to casino
>sit at roulette table
>scan for roulette outcome
you're able to see what the ball will land on since the winning value changes as soon as the timer hits 0
>scan for bet value
>set hotkey to change bet value to 750,000
>bet only on payouts of 2:1
>get $1,500,000 per win
>lose $10 per less
the table will kick you if you win too much too quickly, but you should be able to make anywhere between $6-$10 million, even more if you can trick the system well

>it's been 7 fucking years

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>y-you call me a coomer anime fag?
and you call anyone else underage? kek

whales who don't care about throwing out a few-hundred shekels to look cool in front of their friends
case in point

>doing all this to enjoy a videogame

It sucks

pretty sure he's not talking about buying shark cards, user...

White boys trying to larp as hood niggas

>calls people underage
>unironically says kek
k kiddo

yeah its fucking dogshit but every cent out of cuckstar's pocket is another second of enjoyment for me


>o-oh yea?
ya got nothing faggot don't let the door hit ya on your way out

you're both retarded and no one cares keep your shitty discord drama to yourselves

This but unionically.

>picked up gtav for cheap during a sale last month
>nobody plays except hackers, which are just subhuman chinks and russians
>all of the legit players play in private sessions, and are loaded from hacker money from years ago or years of playing, or both
>level 10 and getting constantly obliterated by faggots with flying bikes and deloreans

>tfw when all of the money raining dudes got banned and i just want to dick around in a game where money isn't a fucking issue

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your both anime faggots too

I see you failed English classes.

sadly the rest is true
finding an actually good session with people that have more than 6 brain cells is a difficulty, but nowadays the only people that still play online fit into one of 3 categories
>k/d warriors who cant into fps
>car fetishists
>people who want a Los Angeles sandbox but cant find anything better
sadly the latter have to suffer with the former

>spellchecking on Yas Forums
do ya also leave comments on pornhub vids?

Yes I fucking do. And there's nothing you can do to stop me.

holy based