Remember when you fags said this was the worst thing that happen to western women in video game?

Remember when you fags said this was the worst thing that happen to western women in video game?

Attached: images.jpg (739x415, 21.4K)

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Well, now you can play as the doom slayer without the armor in the new Sony movie. Rip N tear

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nu-Yas Forums will keep latching to the next TORtanic while they try and come to terms with their virginity.

nose is way too sharp

>something something i don't like Yas Forums something something virgins

Give me Jill wife! Give me cute stinky American wife!

Attached: Strong Jill.jpg (740x429, 70.11K)

still better than the bj blazkowicz from the last of us 2


You wish I was a tranny :)


I'll help you with that mate. It's not that hard.

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she's supposed to be half japanese WTF CAPCOM

Thank you user! You are a good user! She does give me maximum soreness user! She does! She is cute ovulating imagine smell wife user! She is! You are a good user!

Attached: Dirty Jill.jpg (1280x720, 86.78K)


Jill is sexy as fuck, are you kidding me?

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i wish you'd dilate somewhere else

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YUP! this guy gets it!

Thank you user! You are a good user! You are a good stinky wifes wife scholar user!

Attached: Wife Dance.webm (656x540, 2.9M)

What do you guys think of alita? he's hot too right?

Kill yourself, retard.


Thank you user! You are a good user!

Attached: Alita.jpg (640x470, 48.54K)


Attached: Battle-Angel-Alita-Gunnm.jpg (1000x600, 64.69K)

Thank you user! You are a good user! You are a good friend wife scholar user!

Attached: Cute Armitage.jpg (576x432, 41.62K)

Get yourself a nice cute trap to fuck :)

those only exist in 2d

You guys are following /ourgirl/ playing with herself?

Surprising that she is still doing it.

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Thank you user! You are a good user!

Attached: Wife Dance.gif (585x700, 325.26K)

>She get scared at Kendo
/ourgirl/ indeed shitting on fat people

>crotch outline visible

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It is Just me or sometimes she looks like the Mila from the movies but hotter?

kek, why do people keep trying to push their shit agenda in such shit ways? that movie was beyond awful, nobody fucking liked it, just put ripley or any other cooler way more relevant female action heros for fucks sake, are they even trying?

They fired hennig over uncharted 3, maybe this disaster will get Drukmann kicked out.

Eeeh people sy that but i really cant agree...Milla look way more slim IMO.but i dunno maybe is the local beauty,both come from the same place right?

because it works on weaker minds.And we all know there is lot of weaker minds out there.

Even with all the hate nu jill has gotten she's more conventionally attractive, Mila is an odd looking woman.

I dont know where Milla is from but it kinda makea sence, in some pictures I can see a little. Not much in game.

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You don't have to go poltarded to acknowledge the level of left wing activism in media and government positions. There is a class of far leftists that have been so brainwashed, they become activists first and they seek jobs out for this purpose.