ITT Games only you played

ITT Games only you played.

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Why the FUCK is the first game not on steam?
Why did they just remaster the second game?
Is the first one not worth playing or something?

it's an extremely short, easy tech demo that wasn't worth buying in 2001 let alone the current year

The first game is honestly not very good. It's basically not-Evangelion with very repetitive gameplay and cool robots. It was made just to play with the new stuff the PS2 had to offer. The second game is way better.

Ah ok, i suppose that's fair.
I'd still probably play it, just to see how it was tho

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If you're that curious grab an iso and emulate it. I honestly tried my best but I dropped it after playing it for a couple hours. Game is something like this
>You're a lonely kid from the future who finds a robot but doesn't like violence
>Missions consist of defeating X number of enemies or finding plot related item
>Go to another map, kill enemies/find item
>Repeat it for 4-6 hours
The maps remind me of the maps from the VR missions in MGS1

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Huh, that does sound awfully shallow.
I probably will at least try it thru emulation tho, yeah

Fight N' Rage

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Are these games any good?

Remaster is abhorrent btw
Worse textures, worse SFX, sound mixing is off

No, why do you think no one else played them user

I've played both of these and so have others in this thread

I never see anyone talking about it.

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>I've played both of these and so have others in this thread

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Black Rock Shooter The Game is mixed at best, I' do think it'll add more to your time in terms of story and the unique rpg mechanics but it's pretty barebones, I finished it yesterday and currently working on getting to the true ending. I say it's worth playing if you have a psp or vita and have 15 dollars to give away if not, save that money elsewhere

Both of you have shit taste, ZoE1 is great

fuck off Leo

This but unironically.

These threads are getting more and more obnoxious. Post actually obscure games you fucking idiots


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It's actually much worse than that.

The kid is really fucking annoying (cool in part 2 though)

Those city missions are also graded depending on how many buildings or how much of the environment was destroyed, which is a bitch trying to mitigate.

You fly around and look for more of those type of missions until the game lets you proceed, and Jehuty is really fucking slow in this game.

Just watch the intro with the sweet ass music.

And another
Spare Parts

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Keep in Mind

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Looks kinda interesting, it some kind of metroidvania or something?

The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor

The art and music is pretty good

It's a post-apocalypse sci-fi shtick where there's only one remaining civilization on Earth, and it's run by radical feminists who force men to undergo sex-change surgery, then persecute them for being transwomen
You play as someone who actually IS a transwoman, and something something the last five minutes reveal it's actually all controlled by Illuminati Satan or some shit
It's half-baked, and that's being kind

The gameplay is incredibly simple, with only a couple of abilities, but somehow the controls are clunky and simple movement can quickly become unresponsive and frustrating.
There's supposed to be a stealth element but there's no point.
And it's only about 5 hours long.

I picked it up for a quarter and still kind of wish I hadn't

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Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
(And its sequel, Ignorance is Strength)

Am I the only one actually playing video games around here

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I've still got way too many good more well known games to get through to be jumping into obscure stuff like this just yet


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