How are these graphics in any way acceptable...

How are these graphics in any way acceptable? I know that these games ran on machines on par with pocket calculators but even back then people had seen shit like Jurassic Park and Star Wars so they must have known what CGI should look like? Why didn't they just wait a generation or two before trying 3D graphics because all of these great concepts and stories are just wasted when the graphics and gameplay are so disgustingly bad.

tldr: how the fuck did people cope with these graphics in 97? Did people realize these were bad graphics even back in the day?

Attached: 4623812575.jpg (1200x675, 87.8K)

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As a zoomer you'll just have to accept that you'll never understand it no matter how someone tries to explain what things were like back then. That isn't a bad thing necessarily, just something to keep in mind.

OP is a faggot. Fuck off Zoomer.

Everyone hated the chibi shit back then but it was all we had.

The CGI in FF7 looked amazing. You're image has no CG. That's a 3d model of a character and a hand drawn prerendered static background.
Jurassic Park has zero CG. The dinosaurs in it were constructed robots with real looking skin on top. It looked great exactly because it used no CG but practical effects such as robots.

The gorgeous painted backgrounds overshadowed the popey arm chibis. Nobody was looking at the characters but the environment.

how is it ruined if the fucking intro is still iconic and has never been toped?

I remember thinking back then, "So wait if they can make the character models look that good in fights why can't they look that way on the world map?"
If I remember right it was purely a stylistic choice to try and evoke the feel of the 16-bit FF games.

Because media had not become a homogenized slurry and we went from 16 bit pixels to fully formed 3D models. Final Fantasy had always had relatively similar looking big head dudes on the overworld; the battle models were the impressive ones, and they still look pretty good today.

If you're not trolling, video games need to render a new image on screen thirty times per second, which reduces the amount of complexity each one can have. The upside is that you can move the characters anywhere on the screen and be, you know interactive. Jurassic Park CGI was created in a studio where each frame took over a minute to render, then was stitched together for the theatrical version to play all at once.

>I know that these games ran on machines on par with pocket calculators
see pic

Attached: ss_c96548607f3fdf5c440b7ebf297e0b09b75ce906.1920x1080.jpg (1280x720, 568.97K)

it's a fucking visual novel basically. who gives a fuck?

How are these engines in any way acceptable? even back then people had seen shit like trains

Attached: Henry-Ford-car-driving-Quadricycle-speeds.jpg (1600x1262, 327.12K)

Our imaginations filled in the gaps before technological advancement rendered them useless, plus the sheer scale of the game was cutting edge. You had to be there.

We had good games to play and were just generally happy.

That looks like hot garbage.

It was deliberate, they were just inexperienced with the tech and also didn't know whether to texture the models or so forth

Attached: ff7 was meant to be chibi.jpg (862x862, 588.35K)

That's the remastered version.

MMMMMMmmm....Much better.

Attached: FF7 Remaster PC.png (1242x698, 1.72M)

Well then you have no clue what you're asking for from the hardware that they were trying to use.

Attached: h-1558.jpg (1300x2048, 748.12K)

all it does is make the textures and models more crisp. It actually helps in the OG title when the models more closely match the pre-rendered backgrounds.


Kill yourself zoomer.

The new opportunities offered by 3D gaming in terms of actual game design and the excitement they brought outweighed everything looking like origami.

FF7 was impressive for how cinematic it was. From the sound quality to the backgrounds to the more animated narrative everything was a step up from 6. We knew the chibi models looked bad, its why the games actual advertisements didn't show them and why no other Square game on the PS1 followed that style.


Attached: FFVII Remake PC.png (1242x698, 1.41M)

The remake is so soulless. It just makes me want to play the original.

You're clearly 14 at most OP so I'll offer some context: nearly every single game released before the PS1 gen. were 2D. By comparison, simple 3D models that move in real time on pre-rendered background looked mind-blowing.
Additionally, those models were projected on what's called a "CRT screen", which masked the limited triangle count to some degree.
>people had seen shit like Jurassic Park and Star Wars so they must have known what CGI should look like
Curent games aren't on par with current cutting-edge Hollywood CGI either, but you don't see any complaints.

How are these graphics in any way acceptable? I know that these games were made and directed by incompetent retards but this is not ok.

Attached: 1585974496395.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

They're entirely new models, user.

Attached: 1585955661281.jpg (3840x2160, 421.18K)


That was their excuse yes.

>Jurassic Park has zero CG

That's just bullshit.


damn that cat's lungs gotta be like asphalt

Graphics were advancing at a breakneck speed back then and everyone was trying to get accustomed to it.
FFVII was their first attempt at a 3D rpg like this. Compare it to FFVIII and FFIX on the same console.
That said, the chibi block models are part of the charm and the original game's identity. The fact that all three playstation games have vastly different artstyles helps them all stand apart.

Whoever lives in that house shouldn't leave his FF7 dolls on the floor like that. Someone could step on them.

Hey mongoloid think of the word CGI for a moment. It means computer generated image. In order for games to have graphics the COMPUTER running the game has to GENERATE the IMAGE by running the rendering algorithms

It was the first 3D final fantasy. In a time when 3D games were in their infancy, and very blocky characters with either very blocky 3D backgrounds, or pre-rendered backgrounds, were the norm among the earliest 3D adopters.


Waiting until this is done to replay FF7.

>zoomer actually comparing pre-rendered stuff to live gameplay

t-they'll release a patch for these textures soon, right?
I already 100%'d the game but if square is releasing more parts in the future they better not ignore something like this

7 Looks good at launch, but fuck 8 just blows it out of the water in every way visually.

Attached: VIII.jpg (1920x1080, 324.88K)

They talked about it within the first few days of the game's launch. A patch is coming. All we got.

Well, yeah. It came later. 9 Also looks better. In other news, FFX looks better, as does XII and XIII and XV and every other 3D game released afterwards that had time and experience driving visual advancements beyond what was possible in the past.

The patch is the PC version.

So you're saying there was no excuse for the shit graphics of FF7 since FF9 came out for the same system just a couple years later.

someone needs to shoop cait sith into this
then itll look like your trying to save the cat from being raped again

FF7 was conceived for the n64, with basically the same style. Even FF6 had some tech demos like this. At the time it was about a style choice, it was clear when FF8 rolled around that they realized they could push the limits a lot more visually. FF9 was super stylized, but God damn if it didn't have some great animation at times.

TL;DR this shit was a product of its time. It looked good even then, really. Wild Arms looked weird as fuck in battle, for instance, despite outside of battle looking decent. BoF3 was gorgeous hand-drawn 2D on 3D, but people wanted tech instead of being happy with some really crisp 2D.

Also fuck you, half of FF7s charm was the music and the backgrounds.

The difference in release from 7 to 8 is not that great and the jump is massive.
Even the FMVs compared to 7s just destroy them.
The transition into background FMVs was beautiful too.
VIII was ahead of its time.

Attached: VII Cloud.png (500x250, 174.52K)

You’re kind of a retard.

you liar. they never said shit.

Also 8 looks better than 9.
9 Is just more stylized in its art direction.

I'm sorry you were dropped on your head as an infant user.

Honestly it's pretty scary how well Square acclimated to the PS1. Even Parasite Eve, which was a lot of scraped and unused concepts from FF7 and isn't perfect visually when it comes to character models, blows 7 out of the water visually, and that came out just two months over a year later while setting the ground for the sort of CGI refinements that FF8 would use less than a year later.

>go from having no 3D experience with VII
>to having 3D experience with VIII from working on VII
gee i wonder why VIII looked better

>no rebuttal or argument

honestly i was pretty hyped when 7r was announced, but i never finished 8 and think that world would better translate into more of an action based game.