Nintendo Direct June 8th

I have confirmation on a ton of Nintendo stuff that I just wanted to share out here. I have some of their June direct plans laid out. This is strictly their first party lineup. Pokemon will have a separate direct. Not sure of any third party announcements yet.

Smash Bros Ultimate DLC: MinMin is the ARMS character. Releases near the end of June.

Super Mario All-Stars: Ultimate 35th Anniversary collection- Contains the original NES Trilogy, Mario World 1-2, 64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1-2, 3D World and Land. 3D titles have been completely remastered. The original All-Stars games and Mario World 2 use their SNES versions. August 2020

Star Fox: NEXT- Takes place after the events of Star Fox Command with two connected stories featuring a Star Fox Team called out from retirement and a Junior Star Fox team lead by Marcus McCloud. Planned for a 2021 release.

Metroid Prime Saga: Contains remasters of the Metroid Prime Trilogy alongside Metroid Prime Hunters, Pinball, and Federation Force. Contains a Metroid Prime 4 Prologue chapter. October 2020

Fire Emblem Echoes: Chronicle of Radiance- Complete Remake of the Tellius games. 2021

Punch-Out: Keep it Clean!- Little Mac trains Don Lewis, the grandson of Doc Louis to take on the next generation of the WVBA. Releases In 2021

Dragalia Lost Versus: A collaborative effort between Nintendo, CyGames, and Arc System Works spun off from the GBFvs team. An exclusive 2D Fighter set in the universe of Dragalia Lost. 2021.

Bayonetta 3: Bayonetta is now seen as a danger to humanity she dons a new hairstyle and travels the world as a fugitive. 2021.

Pikmin 4: A mysterious alien species has invaded PNF-404. Introduces mutated Pikmin. 2021.

The Legend of Zelda: Into the Void Travel in between the new Void Kingdom and the main kingdom of Hyrule. November 20th, 2020.

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>some faggot actually typed this

Shit thread KYS

Yo Curly is there any special appearances from you or Quote in any cross over fighting games

nobody fucking believes this shit and you're stupid

Nice wishlist, faggot.

Yo I wish. Quote in Smash Bros please.

LOL yeah ok

On a fucking iphone too lmao. I have no idea how these kids can do these things with their thumbs with such ease, I hope the (You)'s are worth it.

Plz no telius remake, I don't want the price of those games to go down. My rare game collection will take a hit

i love playing video games

>Punch-Out: Keep it Clean!
That's very retarded name even for Nintendo standard

I hope you didn't make that up, retarded

>One(1) whole year without One(1) single direct and all they have are ports
I 100% believe this leak

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when are we getting purseowner on the switch?

Why would you do this? Why would you use Curly's name for your dumb leak thread? Don't do things like this.

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>Punch-Out: Keep it Clean!

Nintendo is releasing gay porn parodies now?

>last 4 games and star fox would be entirely new games
>hurr durr ports
What even goes through your head user? Do you just read the first line and immediately get an erection where you have to post?

>that many Mario and Metroid games in 1 collection
I call bullshit, I know they ain't Capcom but they would never include that many games in individual collections

>3d titles completely remastered
then they wouldn't put them in the pack, Nintendo would never miss the opportunity to make bank off a remastered SM64 and SMS.

If you're gonna lie so blatantly you may as well tack on the next F-Zero entry, as well as the GX remaster featuring the AF content.

Fake and gay

I think it’s supposed to be a reference to the NES game’s slogan? “Keep it Clean Boxing” ? Doesn’t seem like a title Nintendo would use. That’d be like if they made a game called Super Mario Bros. Mario Mania since that was the slogan for Mario 2 lol

you missed another leak, they're going to add NES games to AC:NH, and add more villagers with more personalities, and also give more individuality and dialogue to the villagers, and give you another home extension

Never, faggot

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Crystal Crisis

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oooooh yummm slurp slurp curly brace yumm slurp oooh aaaaah curly brace

Enjoy your vaporware bro

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>Doing things people want
haha nice try faggot, we're getting some Mario LEGO bullshit, another gacha game, and Yoshi's poopy pee pee poo poo simulator

>Dragalia Lost Versus
pfffft hahaha

Fake and blatantly homosexual.

That's all bullshit and I don't believe it.