I have confirmation on a ton of Nintendo stuff that I just wanted to share out here. I have some of their June direct plans laid out. This is strictly their first party lineup. Pokemon will have a separate direct. Not sure of any third party announcements yet.
Smash Bros Ultimate DLC: MinMin is the ARMS character. Releases near the end of June.
Super Mario All-Stars: Ultimate 35th Anniversary collection- Contains the original NES Trilogy, Mario World 1-2, 64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1-2, 3D World and Land. 3D titles have been completely remastered. The original All-Stars games and Mario World 2 use their SNES versions. August 2020
Star Fox: NEXT- Takes place after the events of Star Fox Command with two connected stories featuring a Star Fox Team called out from retirement and a Junior Star Fox team lead by Marcus McCloud. Planned for a 2021 release.
Metroid Prime Saga: Contains remasters of the Metroid Prime Trilogy alongside Metroid Prime Hunters, Pinball, and Federation Force. Contains a Metroid Prime 4 Prologue chapter. October 2020
Fire Emblem Echoes: Chronicle of Radiance- Complete Remake of the Tellius games. 2021
Punch-Out: Keep it Clean!- Little Mac trains Don Lewis, the grandson of Doc Louis to take on the next generation of the WVBA. Releases In 2021
Dragalia Lost Versus: A collaborative effort between Nintendo, CyGames, and Arc System Works spun off from the GBFvs team. An exclusive 2D Fighter set in the universe of Dragalia Lost. 2021.
Bayonetta 3: Bayonetta is now seen as a danger to humanity she dons a new hairstyle and travels the world as a fugitive. 2021.
Pikmin 4: A mysterious alien species has invaded PNF-404. Introduces mutated Pikmin. 2021.
The Legend of Zelda: Into the Void Travel in between the new Void Kingdom and the main kingdom of Hyrule. November 20th, 2020.