This is the most powerful mage in the Mana Universe, say something nice about her!
Trials of Mana
Yes I'd like to schedule a field day on that tummy
cute as fuck.
Sorceress of Mysticist for Angela
I really like these trials of mana threads recently, never seen Yas Forums actually get along. Yeah there's occasional shitposters and ff7r shills but these threads are comfy
I want to fuck lil cactus
Silly Magus Angela
I want to choke her out while fucking her spit-lubed asshole.
best fucking character
>unloved by mother, develops valleygirl accent out of defiance
>grows up unable to use magic despite putting in effort
>gets sentenced to death by "her mother" but escapes
>appears spoilt and complains a lot, but actually genuinely values her friends and gets serious when the situation calls for it
>becomes the most powerful mage in the universe over the course of her journey
in terms of magic UNGA BUNGA, which Angela is the best path? Light Angela seems like shes mana efficient but Dark Angela has Wound Magic which is pretty cool.
>tfw you finally find that sneaky son of a bitch
best feel
why does he wear the goggles?
Yas Forums loves waifus.
Whenever I go into the party menu I stop and watch Angela sway back in forth.
where should I go next Yas Forums?
the Desert level or the Ice level?
Dark is more mana efficient. It makes your tier 1 spells do as much damage as tier 2. So you are casting spells at the same damage but for half the mp cost
>nightblade's instant death procs with the multi hit fan range magic attacks
This class is ridiculous.
Reminder that wizards are broken as fuck (postgame boss spoilers)
he's a big Kappa.
do ice first
fire is a -little- harder, so go there first pussy
They really made the water look good
Cute mage
Sweet was loooking for a thread.
Im at the start with the beast kid after the beastmen destroy the little village.
This is my first time playing this series so can anyone tell me are their any major differences between going light,dark or neutral with a chracter.
Main team:
Beast kid, sowrd and shield guy, and little short loli
Sorry cant remember the name right now
>I'm going to make Hiroshima look like a fucking joke!
Wow Riesz, really?
>Angela Riesz Duran
>triple light
its like you want your girls to stay virgins the entire game
From what I've seen so far. Light is usually more about supportive spells like heals, buffs and the likes. Dark is more about damage, debuffs and status effects (generally).
lol how the fuck they get the bottom right?
Camera doesnt zoom that far in
is Magus actually a good class?
is Lil Cactus a LoM thing or is he reoccurring/? I've only played like SD3 and LoM
>dat idle animation where she just starts dancing to herself
PC version camera mod
Desert it is.
Where's a good spot to farm Rainbow Item Seeds? I know inside the Stockade but any particular zone?
Desert is way more fun, then you can plow through the mobs and demolish the boss in ice afterwards
There's this cactus in plain sight on the other side of this gate near laurant. I'm obviously not meant to go there yet, so it's taunting me.
>Nightblade Hawk
>that bullshit passive that triggers even on weak poisons
Fucking based.
I keep feeling like I'm playing fucking Kingdom Hearts every time I kill an enemy and Hawkeye goes "'course!" because it sounds like GAWRSH
Can bosses even be poisoned? I didn't have Hawkeye in my party and I never tried with items.
Is spirit worth investing in for light side Riesz?
aaaaaaaaand Jewel Eater is officially the boss that really taught me just how badass and fun this game is
>mfw rapidly switching between chars to use Angela's spells, dodge out of attacks, spam Class Skills, etc etc
Fucking awesome
man, the demo everyone said this was super easy but in laurant it takes a pretty big difficulty jump on the wall boss and bill and ben, the NPC's just don't dodge very well so they take a ton of damage all the time.
I hope Trials does well enough that they can make a completely new one.
Of course not. But simple debuffs also trigger his instakill passive.
Pretty sure that's where you get her buff spells so yeah
Damn. How?
Everyone but Charlotte has fucked Angela in terms of doujins
So some points in str and sta but also spirit? Okay
cool that the world map?
I assume you start in the middle
The difficulty peaks around midgame but once you get your third classes and high end item seed equipment it starts to fall apart again since enemies don't scale hard enough to keep up.
Then the fourth classes are just utter power trip bullshit it's great
She flew every single body segment through the Cold Blaze that was aimed at her head
if you died to wall boss its highly likely thats the only part youll game over
Recurring from LoM, Appeared in Sword of Mana at the very least.
I didn't find a whole lot of use for Stam unless you really want Intercept (or whatever Light gets besides that, I went Dark on Riesz)
By the normal final boss you'll have around 90 points or more to mess with so I wouldn't worry a ton. You can reset them at the Black Market too.
My only game over on Hard was Angela's postgame solo boss fight, tweaked my passive setup a bit and beat it no problem after that.
oh, I didn't game over, I did have my NPC's die a few times, and bill and ben put them in the alarm sound zone a few times but I was able to heal them up in time, but it's certainly not cakewalk.
yeah I was surprised at the spike. I won, but I ended up using a lot of candies and wish cups on the ai partners.
Fan artists sure likes the Magus armor.
God I wish that were me.
Through dick, unity.
Big green funny nigga haha
Which Benevodon had the best fight and dungeon?
Doing a hard playthrough as charlotte, kevin and Angela. All dark. Is this a good party?