He killed billions

He killed billions.

Attached: 192471988.jpg (1920x1080, 507.72K)

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Thats a he?!?!?!?!?

females are ugly pigs nowdays so yes

hey dont make 7r threads, shill

The first Reno fight is absolutely the peak of the remake. The bits around it, not so much, but that was a fun fucking fight.

Rude fight was better


He literally did nothing wrong.

Rude, on the other hand...

I thought they were both great. The combined fight felt a bit lacking though. I mean, they included the pyramids, and Rude giving Reno like 5 seconds warning before carpet bombing was funny, but still. Felt like something was missing.

The entire game had good fucking boss fights
when the boss music started up during the Airbuster fight I jizzed my pants

>stand there blocking in punisher mode
>autocounter everything
>just walk away from his energy balls when they come out
yeah, so fun.

I think the only one that wasnt fun for me was the arsenal. I think i gave thunder elemental to barret leading to dealing no damage and it took me more than it should.

kino boss fight and music


That fight on the plate pillar was the most hollywood ass jrpg fight ever holy fuck

barely made it out alive so I felt the fuck out of it

The Turk voice actors did a good job. Looking forward to seeing more of them in the next games.

Attached: tseng.png (638x848, 427.72K)

...to save millions on Midgars mako bills.

Yeah, the boss fights were sweet.

Walking with Aerith after is the peak. The fight is boring like every 1v1. Just press Triangle and wait.

tseng voice acting surprised me quite a bit
he really commands such presence wiht his voice alone

i felt that line he says to aerith "before you say anything, know that your options are limited"

>the second bait coinflip he does

Attached: 1541103336102.jpg (247x248, 25.07K)

Reno: Counter attack, dodge shit, destroy mines.
Rude: Just spam wind magic.

Probably because you were attacking the wrong parts. Bits of it are more protected than others until you stagger it. Shooting its wheels is usually a big waste of time.

>I play every fight in the slowest, safest way possible, then complain that I'm not having fun

Rufus >>> All
>unique counter animations to break the dog link
>triple slash and braver having special properties
>G U N D A S H I N G

reminder they could have given us "just hit until they die" kinda boss design, and they didnt
I still read those retards that say just spam square or "dodge is useless"

Dodge is mostly useless. Most of the time, walking away is faster and better.


I think most of the voice acting in the remake fit the characters perfectly.

Lies and slander.
He killed a few thousands at best.

AVALANCHE killed them, Shinra was just trying to protect us

>Most of the time, walking away is faster and better.
No, because walking still requires to wait the backswing of skills, while dodging is instant
way better than just runningaway from charges or proyectiles.

It depends on the character too. Cloud takes a moment to pick up run speed and his dash is pretty quick. Aerith on the other hand can start running at full speed, but her dash is terrible.

>Walking with Aerith afte
literally some of the most disgusting movie game filler ever. fuck that trash. a minute long segment that drags on for half an hour.

no it's like crisis core knowing when to run and attacking at the right time is better than dodging.

I... Actually like Tseng in this game. I played OG FF7 few times, but it was a long time ago and I forgot certain things; including everything about him. He seems like a nice guy here.

Is he a Turk?

He was always that serious dude that get shit done with intelligence rather than force (rude) or acting cool (reno)

why didn't cloud and company kill these fuck's after ff7?

Hwoarang what the fuck are you doing here?