Congratulations! You've been hired as a writer for Fallout 5! After the rocky launch of 76...

Congratulations! You've been hired as a writer for Fallout 5! After the rocky launch of 76, you've been tasked with coming up with the lore behind a brand new fallout region and regaining customers trust / building enough hype to ensure that the series continues! What's your plan for the next game? Where does it take place? What's the story? What factions are in the game? What new features will you include? What new enemies and dangers will the player face? What convoluted excuse have you crafted to explain super mutants?

Good luck user, we here at Bethesda softworks are counting on you to breathe new life and bring success to the Fallout franchise!

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The game is set in New Orleans, you play as just an average joe (see - not a vault dweller) who has traveled to the region in hopes of striking it big as a country music star. Unfortunately for you, large scale nuclear war and 200+ years of fallout have made the city of New Orleans an uninhabitable nightmare, the resulting radiation from said nuclear conflict has also turned you into a anthropomorphic horse. You are 8+ feet tall, white, wear a red cowboy hat with red bandanna to match, and have a cock that is exactly 8.5 inches long (when flaccid). Since New Orleans in a point of strategic interest as it gives access (and therefore control) to the Mississippi river, multiple factions are now vying for the conquest of the city. Will your country music musings be enough to pacify the upcoming war between the superpowers of a post-nuclear New Orleans? Find out in Fallout 6.

Also there is thicc amazonian super mutant companion gf that you can romance, and a protector tron that wears a cowboy hat and believes he is a cowboy

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Start out in a vault(it's tradition) get mixed in with a power struggle between a broken Enclave and the NCR trying to hunt them down all the way from California going to space and connecting a pre war enclave space station might be involved
There would definitely be more factions and a lot of choices on who to join and how the game turns out
Enclave NCR brotherhood(only a little) tribals and raiders pre war military cryo bunker full of FEV worshipping fanatics (that's all I can think of at the moment)
>New features
Not much in the way of new features but I would include a lot of the good ones from past games
>new enemies
Mutated wild life out the ass as well as a city full of FEV twisted abomination (think dead space meets half-life in terms of design)
>super mutants
Other then references and maybe one or 2 unique NPCs they won't play a big role in the game

I probably could think of more shit but that's all that came to mind

>I'm telling you Todd, just slap on the New Vegas name and these dumb fucks will be throwing their money at you.

The setting has to be Canada, you wake in a vault and you think you're in Texas, but no! you've been transported to Canada. and my god...the horrors that await you. At the end of the game, not a single Canadian, not one, will survive.

Fallout 5: Leaf Genocide

Game starts in the middle of Kansas.

The great plains region all the way west to the Rockies is canonically wracked with radioactive megatornadoes and nothing can survive on the surface for very long, but crops grow so quickly people survive by waiting for periods of calm before popping out of their fallout shelters and root cellars to grow food. The game takes place before Fallout 3 and 4, when one of the brotherhood airships en route to the east coast (or the Pitt depending on how long before 3 this takes place) crash lands directly on top of the fallout shelter your town lives in. The news that there are survivors to the east and west is a shock to everyone and this sets off the migration of your whole community using what you salvage from the wreckage. Take advantage of Fallout 4's base building mechanics and FO76's base-in-a-box transportation mechanic to customize your caravan as you head northwest in search of the promised land.


I cancel it

>It's tradition
2 Didn't do it.
Tactics Didn't do it.
New Vegas Didn't do it.
Bethesda just has no fucking creativity an reuses vaults for every one of their games.
Though if you wanna be technical you don't start off in a vault in 4.

You play as a super mutant.

You start in new yok vault as a vault human (obviously) but you have to leave the vault to find your mom. Along the way you meet BOS and a friendly faction and supermutants. And you shoot enemy in face.

As a writer or as lead writer because you seem to imply lead. If I'm lead writer I hire John Gonzalez and he gets to pick all of those things. If I'm just a general writer I fucking quit.

Technically even fallout 1 started you outside of the vault. It's only fallout 3 that insisted on starting the player in the vault proper.

>Where does it take place?
New York
>What's the story?
Zombie land but ghouls and supermutants
>What factions are in the game?
New ones no brotherhood of steel
>What new features will you include?
Fuck knows

In an alternate timeline universe

A reverse bomb sucks everyone out of the vaults and repairs the world

Cameo by rick and morty

>New York
You better start as a ghoul too because New York is canonically worse off than The Glow.

genius, but we need something to fuck up the previous games.
what if new york was directly funding the enclave via trump tower?

>Bethesda hiring writers
Why do you think their quests suck so much ass

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>what features
i thought for a while that having a fallout based around supersoldiers with unique powers- like one is a hulking half-supermutant and one is a super genius with a army of robots, and one that can swallow people whole haha just wondering- while you're a megaman-eqse ability parasite built to be able to adapt to anything and can steal the abilities.. maybe the fucking enclave wants to you to bring them back but the brotherhood wants you to kill them i don't fucking know i just want 76's mutagens in a singleplayer game because if this series is going to throw logic into the trashcan i at least want a semi-playable game from it

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i think new york being habitable at all would be a lore fuckup in of itself, i think some terminal implied it was lost or something

Probably the midwest, make it the power struggle between the enclave and midwest BoS

Should have tons of minor factions like New Vegas

The game needs more cities, Fo4 was lackluster in that department.

Fully implement basebuilding, take cues from sim settlements, towns should grow semi-organicaly should be able to establish trade routes and gain money, establish governors to manage towns while your gone. The world should have an economy even if it is just bare bones it could help a lot with immersion.

>between the enclave and midwest BoS
It'd have to take place somewhere between 2 and 3 because the BoS already stomped out Chicago before moving East.

or a mutant and the feature is that you mutate like in fallout 76

You're some Alaskan scavenger/radmoose farmer who happens across a hidden Anchorage military installation, and in your effort for an easy score of scrap you activate a network of Chinese cryo-agents sleeper cells who threaten your shitty moisture farmer-like village lifestyle

Maybe cold damage could be a focus, and the landscape is dotted with tribal enclaves juxtaposed with half sunken cruisers and tanks frozen in ice sheets. Lots of military bases

No voiced PC, skills mean something and all that

Northern lights would be augmented by rad magic so the days would be snow wasteland and the nights would be atmospheric light shows where the landscape is lit up kaleidoscope style. mix shit up a bit. Also trees

>things to shoot
chinese soldier ghouls

big mutated owl so we can reuse the skyrim dragon ai and animations again

supermutants but blue and have canadian flag loincloths to seethe lorefags

No voiced PC, skills mean somethin and all that

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Fallout set in New Orleans would have been great. That's what Josh Sawyer wanted to see.

It’s a documentary about a rad roach getting smacked with a super sledge and it’s called

>The midwest Bos were known for being more lax on who to recruit as long as they had numbers to fight against the enclave; Wastelanders, super mutants, in some cases ghouls.
>enclave also clinging to desperation to survive, since the events of broken steel dealt a major blow to them. While not as boisterous in recruiting they're more lenient as well but prefer to manipulate factions and pull strings from the shadows.
>You're basically the catalyst in determining who wins this last ongoing conflict.
>Power armor is scarce on both sides. The numbers of the BoS are so inflated that power armor is stretched too thin and reserved for the top soldiers. Enclave is carefully managing their dwindling resources and don't give it out willy nilly either. This way power armor is earned and not shoved into your face like how Fo4 was.

I remember that paladins in f3 mentioned that some chapters are still slugging it out with super mutants in the Chicago area, and EDE's data logs in LR also mentioned an enclave base still there too.
If a fallout midwest has to happen, chicago is it. Plus it would be great to finally clear the air on what's canon and not with fallout tactics

The world is set in Arizona, along the border of New Mexico. The year is 2281. Caesar's Legion has been making pushes into the territory to pacify the raider tribes. Lead by the Legate Aquila Avenarius who commands a large force. Though his numbers have been dwindling as Caesar pulls more and more forces away to fight over Hoover Dam, but still orders Aquila to take land in the East. Many of Aquila's forces are native tribals who have been told by Aquila that Mars, the god of war, is a living being who will soon be upon the battlefield to kill their enemies.

Opposing them is a man named Cortez who commands a militia of mercenaries. Cortez funds his army with drug money as well as extortion through force. He is even more ruthless than the Legion but vehemently opposes their advance into his territory; an advance that would compromise his grip on the region and conflict with his drug trading.

Stuck in the middle is the Two Suns Trading Company, a large and powerful merchant group that controls the last remaining underground aquifier in the region. Their position in the region is absolute and sofar they have refused to take a side, preferring instead of further fortify their position with advanced weapons and a huge city built around the aquifier.

But you aren't important in this. You're merely a survivor of a legion raid on your small settlement in the middle of the desert. You barely survive and go unnoticed as everyone you know is dragged away by the legion to either be enslaved or killed. Whether you want to exact revenge or simply let it be is up to you, but whether you like it or not, you will inevitably be dragged into the middle of the conflict, as the person who saves you from near death is a trader from the Two Suns Trade Co, and you find yourself in the hub of the company itself; the fortress over the aquifier, El Dia.

Whoever you choose to side with, be it Cortez, Aqua, or the traders, one thing is certain:

you gay

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>and EDE's data logs in LR also mentioned an enclave base still there too
EDE's data logs are about him being sent to Navarro which they thought was still up and running because Chicago Enclave was getting fucking curbstomped by BoS.

takes place right after the nukes drop.
The only large groups and organizations that have formed were government organizations and the wealthy who survived the blasts in their own bunkers, who are now using their positions and assets to seize control and reestablish everything in their image
You get to choose which ideology you support and try and take control of the wasteland. Side quests would be faction specific and would be based around helping or not helping people who are being negativity impacted by the ideology you are supporting, making the player question whether or not they really made the best choice. Essentially takes what was good about NV and just make it better in every way.

West Coast got Nuked by a stray nuke, No one really cared about Australia during the war.
China tried landgrab and started landing in the north. Brotherhood of steel went on a Pilgrimage and crashed an Airship somewhere on the east coast, Setup a bunker and saw it as their holy responsibility to arm Australians, They just started handing guns to everyone and spouting Religious Dogma.
Pretty much all Australians think they're wankers.
Australians think the Chinese are wankers.
Mutated Animal life is a little extra deadly so most Australians kind of just pull together to stop the mutant animals from killling everyone else. Being a raider or fucking over people is seen as a dick move and makes you a bit of a cunt for doing it.
You're a simple country boy/girl, the local distillery exploded mysteriously in the night. Which means the booze is gone, but it was also used for medical supplies and Biofuel.
I mean, you'll live but it sucks, so you're sent on booze run a few towns over where the next biggest distillery is.
>New Features
Cars work. Distill bio fuel from organic matter to power it.
Melee combat overhaul cause Bethesda Melee is crap.
Brotherhood of steel:
They're a bit more extreme than the usual Bro of steel, Think Australians as Savages they need to save, by giving everyone a gun, and spouting kinda christian stuff.
Chinese Republic army:
They landed in the north before the war, but now they're stuck here. Loyalists are cunts who want to keep fighting. But a bunch defected. Ones who defected are considered "Alright" cause they brought some food.
50/50 either HARD core Christians, armed by the BOS or just kinda normal people.
But, like Chinese Supermutants so slightly different. Some of the Chinese Scientists came over to test some stuff.
>Australian Army
As a Whole they kind of hold the border against the chinese, and are tied up there

I don't think Australia has enough arable land to have survived the black rain desu.

Looking through this thread makes me realize that pretty much any random fuck can make a better, more creative, more intriguing story for a Fallout game than the company who owns the rights to it
This ties into my next theory that Bethesda doesn't have writers or they are horribly incompetent or trying to sabotage the final product on purpose for some reason

I retcon 3, 4 and 76 out of existence

i mean, If thats your only arguement...
Go fuck yourself you can just say it didn't black rain down in Australia.

Lets face it, America as a setting's getting a bit stale.

fallout: Israel

Setting is in israel. You slaughter Palestinian children and bite baby dicks to gain XP. 2 endings, one where you kill all the white babies in the world and the other where you expose the jews.

>or they are horribly incompetent
This is the one. Emil "Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie… It is expected to be there, but it is not important" Paglaialaliajaro is the problem.

It was a global phenomenon and would likely be worse in Australia since China is canonically one giant radstorm at the time of Mothership Zeta.

Fallout Gaul where they larp as Celts and Romans fighting for territory
And it's Brutus' legion instead of Caesar's

Fallout: New Kyoto

That could be cool but my real answer is just anywhere international instead of another US location. With totally unique elements in terms of factions, features, abilities, and enemies relevant to that area but still written to fit into the established universe, instead of recycling stuff like recent Fallouts

>personal reason to hate the legion baked into your background
Can we please give these guys an interesting treatment just once? They can even be the bad guys on a technicality but don't make it to obviously silly.