Animal Crossing New Hybrids

Top or bottom, Yas Forums?

You do now how to grow hybrids, right? Don't tell me you're a pink thumb...

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Trick question! The answer is both.

trick question, the answer is top and something else that isn't bottom.


I prefer bottom. I can just lay there and let her do all the work

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Buying blue roses; 200k each

>drop flowers wherever
>water them when I feel like it
>rain makes hybrids for me
>isolate the hybrids
>game shits out more while I catch bugs

Tell me, Yas Forums, which rose is the most blue

Reminder: anyone breeding hybrids or that has Lilly of the valley is a redditor that you should bully

Reminder: You are a bitch ass nigger.
That is all.

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haha he say the meme he wanted trippy recognition for himself he snowflake

Top. They look nice grouped together like that.

Having lily of the valley just means you have a 5-Star town. the other option is selling it for basically no benefit

What, are you too casual for flowers?

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There are just some people who hate the Lilly for some reason. I once asked why I only had 1 after days of 5-star rating and someone called me a time tranny.

I really hope the thing about vegetables is true. Harvesting actually crops (especially in autumn) will be comfy levels I never thought possible.

>give Jeremiah a blue fridge
>he replaces the stove
>he puts the frying pan pizza on top of the fridge

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more like reddit of the valley

I’m going to catch the flower breeders and put an end to their faggotry. Are you doing your part too?

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>plant seeds
>immediately forget which are red or white or yellow until they grow
>2 days later forget which ones I planted and which had already grown elsewhere

Hmmm yes

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You can dig them up and see which color they are for any plants/trees.

Bro, you're attention whoring too much as of late. And make a custom cap already.

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>your crops take 4-5 months to grow
would you put up with it or would you become a time tranny

why is nibbles standing on this bench

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I'm still here
open up

Top if I'm trying to breed for more of the same flower, bottom if i'm trying to crossbreed a new color.

ok, so let me get this straight
>lilies of the valley increase the hybrid chance
>hosts place lilies of the valley by their hybrid farms
>they invite others over to gang-water the flowers because that also increases the fucking hybrid chance
>people want to pick lilies in others' islands just because
>they accidentally pick a different flower (which grows back) because lilies of the valley can't be picked
>might also accidentally destroy the lily of the valley (which grows back)
what the fuck am i missing? just don't open your island up if you don't want to deal with other people

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just say that you're anally devastated over the natsoc outfit

Welp, the general has devolved into furry fucking art. Never going back there.

>get a special hybrid red
>"ok I need to keep track of this, this is important"
>"I will put it right here in the distinctive clearing next to this house, that way I'll surely remember"
>one day later
>have no idea why or what any flower is anywhere

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Okay I got the best armor and weapon. When can I fight the boss?

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I'll take purple pansies please

Nah, I actually like it
But he's acting like that one fag who wanted to make Mars

did you seriously expect any better from /vg/?

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I haven't time traveled in an AC game in 18 years and I wouldnt start now

>>lilies of the valley increase the hybrid chance
is this true? island wide or just near them?

why the fuck should you care about hybrids? Aside from autism