Since this is the worst ending in Gaming history, what's the best ending?

Since this is the worst ending in Gaming history, what's the best ending?

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Any ending that would stop these fucking threads

>Joel dies
>Ellie is replaced by a fucking tranny
>Tranny kills Ellie
>mfw its real

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> 1. ME3
> 2. TLOU2
> 4. MGS4
> 5. Infinite
> 6. HL2 E2
> 7. Halo 2
> 8. Borderlands
> 9. Fallout 3
> 10. AC3

Ocarina of Time and Red Dead Redemption 1

How did snoy fags get BTFO by one of their own, bros??

>first Final fantasy, one of the most anticipated remakes... Square Enix completely BTFO onions fags to a level we couldn't even imagine
>now their biggest exclusive in years and one that would mark the end of the PS4 era gets confirmed as not only a cinematic movie so Cuckman can fulfil his hollywood fantasies
>gets even more embarassing after tranny is revealed, both main characters killed, and half the game playing as the tranny with final boss killing protagonist?
>PS5 heavily reported to be having performance issues, heating problems, no final design completed due to these issues, might get delayed or even higher priced to compete with xbox SeX and take the new Red ring of death and amp it up ten-fold

How will snoys ever recover??

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Doent Exist better ending like this

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this is the best ending.

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What was his end game?

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Is his career over? Isn't he on the the last of us HBO show as a writer? Do you think they'll fire him or wait till he turns in his script that is even somehow worse than Game of Throne's Dumb and Dumber? They surely learnt their lesson from the latter, right?

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Best endings
> 1.
> 1. Persona 2: Innocent Sin
> 2. Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
> 3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
> 4. Shadow of the Colossus
> 5. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
> 6. Mother 3
> 7. Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
> 8. Silent Hill 2
> 9. Planescape Torment
> 10. ICO

"I miss you"

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Metal Gear Solid 3

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Unrelated but I'll just ask you, are Ico and Shadow of the Colossus canonically related or is that just autism?

>Silent Hill 2
Wholesome but In Water is more fitting.

>waaahhh, my Californian Jewish lesbian SJW simulator won't sell millions of copies because people found out it's shit!

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It'll still unfortunately sell 15 million at the very least.

Just roll with it bro, it's gonna be crazy for a bit and then it will eventually filter down into a a few 200+ reply threads.

Creator confirmed that SOTC is a prequel. They remind me of silent movies, kinda like Metropolis or Passion of Joan of Arc. They are masterpieces of storytelling & well worth a 10/10. Although ICO is slightly better than SOTC

>Silent Hill 2
>not the dog ending

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Final Fantasy VII Remake


and from my understanding, this is what tlou 2 wanted to copy as well.

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RDR2 ruined it

>you have to play as his son now
Don't remind me.

Should have ended it with John's death, but they ruined it. Bioshock did the same shit, should have ended with "Would youi Kindly" and Jack dying, instead it went on for another 4 hours

Okami had a good ending

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how? if anything it enhanced it. AFter playing RDR 2 you really get a sense of what John had to leave behind at the start of RDR 1.

This game's ending but in a good game.

They were very good from an artistic point of view, the team made some of the best games I've played.


So Nier Automata?

No, that would have been utterly retarded. Literally, the game makes its POINT with its ending, thats why the title only drops after you kill Edgar.
Also, you only have to play as Jack for literally 15 mins at most. You go to the FBI guy, then to the wife, then to Edgar.

Most people like the FF7 ending
At least you still play as Cloud. I watched a streamer who thought Zack was going to replace Cloud

Nah, I can see it selling maybe 10 million at most and 7 million at worst. It's going to tank compared to the first game watch.

I just woke up
How does it end?
Joel dies because he's white straight male?


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>what's the best ending?

Tranny kill he

For real I thought Yas Forums never cared for the series

Hotline Miami 2 is still a downgrade from the first one. Which is a damn shame.

the fuck there's a real tranny in this game?

I heard Joel dies early on and you kill Ellie yourself by the end, lol.

I never played tLoU but I could've sworn joel dies in the first game too
am I missing something?

Can someone tell me the spoilers please? I don't want to watch.

Yas Forums always cared for the biggest shitshows of the industry, and this is so much it.

Joel doesn't die in the first game because Ellie nurses him back to health with antibiotics. You have to play as her for a while to do it.

Best? Max Payne 3

Dude you missed the point. The game ending with Jack being an outlaw is pottery

>snoys waited 7 years for this

Someone post a picture of the tranny

This or Tsui no Sora II ending in Subahibi.

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yeah let's make an open world game without a post-game, retards
also, the devs give you the opportunity to exact revenge on the sheriff instead of just closing the curtains on john's death

RDR2 made the RDR1 ending sadder user. I suppose Arthur is sacrifice wasnt totally in vain if Jack and Abigail made it out, but Jack ends up the same too.

Fuck the writing in the game is actually pretty kino

Thats not the ending. Thats the ending to part 1.

>Filtered by EndSky2

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why is kaworu jumping between universes?

if Yas Forums hates movie games why are they so obsessed with this story

One of the redeemable parts of TLoU is that ending. They couldve gone down a much more generic path

Halo 3

>best ending
Oh no, nevermind

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Well it's like the blind man says. John dooms himself to a bad end, but he lives a good life in the interim. Eight years of peace are better than no years.

People are speculating that Abby, the person you play as in the second half kills Ellie because there is a part labelled Abby-Ellie-Fight even though Ellie could win or it could mean Abby and Ellie fight together, people just went with the idea of Abby killing Ellie. There is no actual released footage of the ending.

All kino, but you forgot Red Dead Redemption, Final Fantasy Tactics, Chrono Trigger, Okami, Wind Waker & FFX

Red Dead Redemption

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Imagine not understanding that the whole point of End Sky II was 20 minutes of Ayana telling you that almost every theory was valid in a way and also telling you to reread Down The Rabbit Hole.
Couldn't be me.

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