Would you buy it?

Would you buy it?

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Assuming it's diligently supported and not abandoned due to fee-fees like games such as Bear Simulator, and if it was cheap, then yeah probably.

Looks like youtuber cancer bait that will be forgotten about exactly 1 day after they make their video on it.


haha fune crab meme like when you post something dead haha cool game! hope my favorite twitch streamer plays it for the memes lololol gonna donate the crab meme dancing music so epic

is it an open arena free for all, just like fortnite or that other game, day z maybe it was called? no, i wouldnt buy it. if it was an adventure game, yeah i would, but I'm not into free for all areans like this. it would be okay if me and a team joined up to fight NPCs or if me and a bunch of randos fought against other randos composed of 3 teams.


Is this some streamer aimed game like goat simulator?

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If it is 5USD or less I would consider it.

I think people are justified in dismissing this as a meme game but based on this webm the movement and shooting looks like it would be a lot of fun

Only if it played Crab Rave the entire time.

would consider if its cheap.

Why even use crabs if there's no snibbing or snabbing

Id probably play it for a weekend and never touch it again, so it'd have to be pretty cheap

>all "simulators"
To answer OP's question, maybe. Only if the "racing" part looked decent or fleshed out in the least. more than two jumps while sliding. If it was a good platformer than it's a possibility.

Only if you can cut off bikinis. Someone post that webm

haha epic meme i would pay 60 shekels LUL POGCHAMP KREYGASM

It looks inherently cheap

Like some fucking weekend project slapped together in Unreal, This game and the fucking THOUSANDS like it polluting the steam shop are the literal definition of a soulless game. No true direction or purpose, only existing as a product to milk money from people with more cents than sense.

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Where are the giant enemy crabs? pre-order cancelled

looks like it has better mobility than most modern shooters.

Goat simulator is trash. Duck simulator is trash. Crab simulator will be trash. I don't play zoomer meme games.

>crab game
>not hardcore snip snap combat with shell shattering effects

Shit writes itself. Too bad the market belong to the low IQ instant gratification normalfaggots

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Seems halfassed. Might get boring in a hour.

i think a lot of it is the lack of any actual character designs or actual word. like its just generic crabs with guns on bleak, empty beaches. maybe if it had a army helmet and a cigar or something it'd look a little flashier but it looks so devoid of any personality

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>Yet another shitty indie game trying to get by on being quirky and silly
No. I would not buy it. There are so many indie games doing this already. These meme games need to fuck off, they stopped being funny years ago.

Reflections, shaders and mats do not make up for shitty assets, they just make what already looks like a cheap game run like absolute shit on top.

It looks so fucking cheap. Right down to every non-animation and gameplay.

Only if it's an actual decent game completely independent of it being a wacky meme game

what's it called

Streamer meme game bait.

As a fellow crustacean I am gravely disappointed and I would not shell out

Ha ha this is awesome
Is there a honk bu
Crabs don't honk. Let's unpack this...
Is there a CRAB BUTTON?

I prefer that other game about crab kaijus

The crab feels more like a placeholder than anything to me. Look at the game and there's no part of it that really indicates that it should involve crabs at all. You could put sonic the fucking hedgehog there and you'd basically have the shadow game with some bells and whistles. A fucking PS2 game. I'd call this a tech demo but there's no fucking tech being showcased. It's just re-doing a bunch of shit with no game plan whatsoever.

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