Filename thread

Filename thread

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Can we bring back colonization

I wish I got to visit London when it was still white and Londony
Oh well, in another life perhaps

Was Yas Forums right for once?

it's back, only it's reversed now.

Get that ass banned

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>for once
Yas Forums is always right.

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What a bunch of Jewish lies
Everyone knows no place is like home no matter how hard you try
And if i go to London i want to see some nordic baes not some black Pakistani dudes

dang, this triggers the white folk? I should move to london out of spite...

Why are white people letting people of color into their countries just to ruin them?


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They feel guilty about winning history.

Conquering the world was really easy so we want to have a handicap next time.

well they shouldnt have invaded all those countries in the past

so does this mean that other countries' capitals have cities where white people make up 55% of the population, but outside the capital city has basically only black, hispanic, Indian, or Arabic people?

tough times create strong men, strong men create weak men, weak men create tough times etc.


Nobody does this except white people.

Gotta admit as much as I'd like to say shit about Britain not being able to take their own medicine, they sure are taking it in stride.

You buttered the quote

south africa

god this dumbfuck quote

yeah yeah I missed a sequence

it's nearly 1 AM here and I'm tired as shit

> Guy is dead after three seconds of being gored.
> Cunts throwing beer cans at his corpse.
Why are Spanish people so bloodthirsty?

Stupid meme quote
>strong men create weak men
And you don't even know the dumb quote either

seethe, lefty

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>that horn in the groin and neck
I'm guessing if his skull smashing on the pavement didn't kill him then either of those did.

He probably meant Paris or Marseille, the two cities his kind invaded

what do you think you just watched?

sure, except this time don't leave any of the non-whites alive to pollute the planet
with automation right around the corner, the low-tier labor "argument" won't be there either, so just fucking nuke all of them lols

Other countries aren't worth living in which is why they all flood into the good countries, which just happen to be, or used to be, majority white.

Spaniards really are niggers, aren't they?

>non-whites come mostly from places the british colonized

Always satisfying to see. Fuck this barbaric animal torture.

boohoo... modern agriculture, technology, medicine, science, art, ethics &c developed in Europe thanks to centuries of hard work crawling out of the dark ages by our own bootstraps. What a travesty we gave it away to the rest of the world.

>The more colors, cultures and languages you can fit in a city the more people can call this place home

What a shitty excuse for wanting a big homogenized culture that's easier to sell to.

you seen the rest of the world?
these apes can't do shit with these things, I lmao everytim I remember how streetshitters or chinks live in shit on top of each other for eg

the greatest generation and baby boomers lived in hard times,
those hard times made them strong men
the greatest generation and baby boomers create good times.
Millennials grow up in good times, become weak men,
fuck everything up...
Zoomers will save us!!!!
Fast forward. Zoomers are even weaker and more pathetic then millennials...
we are currently heading into the hardest times ever..
Will gen Alpha be the one to save us all?

Actually it triggers the brown and asian tourists with money expecting to see white people in Europe.

Turns out white people are actually weak and cucked

>baby boomers lived in hard times
Are you fucking retarded?

I'll give you a real answer: decreasing birth rates mean that increasing immigration limits isn't seen as a negative thing. Then they end up getting outbred because the other cultures don't have the same cultural values yet, so they all pool resources and live in the same house and just fuck a ton.

Kek it looks like that glitch when you try to pick up a body in skyrim or fallout 4 and they spaz out

so it doesnt trigger the white folk? I guess I can settle for other folks.

If you could send one video back in time...

>more colours

Brah its exclusively brown

I don't know how you force your language on every single part of the globe and not expect people to travel to the affluent places where they speak that language

>centuries of hard work crawling out of the dark ages by our own bootstraps
Are you forgetting slave labor?

this, i went to paris in 2017 and it was fucking awful. city of love? HAHAHAHA no.

Zoomer's are the new Gen X, literally will do nothing.

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>This is considered a 1st world country

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Why not just "lover"?

every fucking time

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>god this dumbfuck quote
lol, its literally true, sorry you're a softie and can't admit it

>Millennials grow up in good times
Yeah, 9/11 and the Great Recession sure were good times.

You mean the slave labor that the Brits spent a fortune to stop?

>for once

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>mfw Japan won't fall for jew propaganda about declining birthrates and how letting more subhuman immigrants into the country will help
the west has already fallen, there's no saving them now

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The greatest generation created the baby boomers. We are currently on the verge of Hard Times due to those boomers.

they actually were comparatively
one day makes you a weak little bitch for the rest of your life? man the fuck up.

I look at Europe the same way I look at Yas Forums.
The natives were weaklings, so they deserve to be taken over by Chad immigrants with a completely different culture.

>baby boomers lived in hard times,
They didn't, that's the entire point you dumb bitch.