The Last of Us 2

Damn, he wasn't kiding

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Imagine caring about shitty cinematic "games"

imagine paying money to play a pozzed game

>Kojima who? Don't remember him.
Damn Troy, that's cold.

Did you start questioning?

it's a fucking zombie game not 2001: a space odyssey

Leaked gameplay

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Its radical christians or something now.

I just question why he even bothered. Like, none of this has surprised me, it's as much of a trainwreck as I was expecting it to be. I'm not shocked, just bored. I halfway hope it's wrong and that Druckmann actually went for something vaguely interesting.

I mean, as much as I hate him and as much as I hate the idea of TLOU2 featuring the original cast ruining their story, it is pretty bold for him to kill off the original protag, then force you to play as the person that killed him, THEN make you kill the other beloved protag as that same killer.

How the female body looks like, for example.

>a few thousand people left on the planet
>most fertile girl don't want to breed

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Want to question everything just go to Yas Forums

Viewed too many times apparently
Got a webm?


Absolutely agree! Killing off beloved characters with freshly made literal who's is the mark of a brilliantly subversive storyteller.

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They're a bit heavy handed with this one, aren't they.

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Yeah, it's making me question whether or not the fucking faglords on Yas Forums have had a point all this time.

Funny how Matt Mercer was known as the discount Troy Baker but now Matt is more famous and more successful than Troy

TLoU2 is going to be "The Last Jedi" of video games.

Sometimes the reason an idea hasn't been done before is because it's bad.

I wonder if Baker's annoyed by the plot like how other actors do when their characters get fucked up by shitty scripts

TLJ doesn't shit on Leia, cause she's a woman. Finn and Poe were made especially short sighted, greedy and imbecilic.

Oh probably. Voice actors get paid per line and he went from main character getting loads of money to probably having 10 mins of screentime in this one.

Literally went from a man who steals the world storyline to the generic cycle of revenge plot. I hope it gets canned by corona

>Survives a tank in the first game yet jobs to a golf club in the second game.
Druckmann needs to explain this one.

Troy seemed to really like Joel, I have no doubt this all didn't sit right with him, but a paycheck is a paycheck.

I disagree, because women actually like Ellie.

The power of old age and fighting against someone roided up on HRT

And they're going to make you kill Ellie.

It's just come to my attention that I have no idea if there are any actual zombies in this game. As far as I know none of the trailers or official footage have shown a single zombie.

It's a hundred million dollar propaganda piece. Not a Zombie game.

This is the reason (((they))) are praising it so much and the reason (((they))) will continue praising it when it releases. Calling it the best 'game' ever.

yeah i'm questioning why people would pay for this

I think the idea is good, exploring how players develop sympathies for the characters they are in direct control of. They already experimented with this just a tiny bit at the end of the original Last of Us with you controlling Ellie for that tiny portion.
However if the order of the story happens the same as in the leaks (the character swap happening only after Joel getting killed) this seems like a mistake, as the players will step into their shoes already resenting the new player character. This would have gone better if the two stories ran in parallel or something, with obviously some changes to the timeline to accommodate for this.

That's FF7r

imagine paying money to see the only redeemable character in your shitty netflix game get clobbered to death by some shitskin roided tranny

No matter how you slice it user, forcing the player to murder someone they're emotionally attached to is a bad way to try and keep you invested. Regardless of any other autism in the game

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FF7R is amazing.

Can this please be the trainwreck that forces the industry to do a 180 and start being good again?
Just spread the spoilers everywhere so people don't buy this shit.

I'm ok with with Joel being killed, it makes for good motivation for Ellie. Having you play as Abby and killing Ellie is pretty baffling though

Sorry, I forgot to mention that it would be with the caveat that players don't know that the new character is hunting down Joel/Ellie. It would be contrived as fuck, using convenient cutaways or other techniques to do it, but I think it could be accomplished.
Or fuck it, turn it into a mystery, with the new character not knowing who murdered their parents and the chase for that knowledge being like 80-90% of their campaign. That way players can start to sympathise with the new character before the gut punch happens near the end.
Smart players would probably put 2 and 2 together and see the twist coming in though. Maybe they could be thrown off a bit by Joel, Ellie and new character meeting on friendly terms early on or something.

They meant to write "make us start transitioning"

>this seems like a mistake, as the players will step into their shoes already resenting the new player character
I pretty much agree with this. I feel like a story about Abby seeking and ultimately getting revenge could have worked as a standalone. It could give you time to develop the character and have the player sympathize with the character. Having the player suddenly play Abby after killing Joel in the same game seems like it'd be jarring. It'll be hard to sympathize no matter the circumstance.