What company started the fucking trend of exclusives games on certain consoles?

what company started the fucking trend of exclusives games on certain consoles?

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That's undersecretary.

the first game was exclusive to its system.

i hate women and normies

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Probably Nintendo

atari i guess


hey retard, you know that games have budgets that have to be paid for before the game releases, right? How do you think these studios acquire $30 million 3 years before the game's release date?


yes? but games back then could've been on different consoles, excepting nintranny.

Mattel with several Intellivision. I remember He-Man being exclusive to the console, even though the game was really bad. There were several multiplats between Atari and Intellivision at the time. Yet it was Nintendo that went full on greed.

It was Nintendo & Sega competing in the late 80's and early 90's that really made console-exclusives a thing. Before that, companies would port every piece of software they had to every platform they could conceivably run it on.
Sega and Nintendo developed software specifically to draw people to the system.
The architecture was also wildly different between them for a while, so "porting" a game between Master System and NES basically meant remaking the whole thing, and the extra sales just weren't worth the investment.


when did you realize exclusives do not benefit customers in any way whatsoever? literally getting jewed and loving it

Honestly, what does soi taste like?

How does such a low IQ post end up here? I mean, most posts are but this is astoundingly dumb.

no retard, cause Sony gives a studio funding to play employee salaries for the years of development time up to release date in exchange for exclusivity

it really bothers me how few people on Yas Forums understand how the game industry works on even a basic level

God I wish that was me

>onions milk - like diluted milk
>onions sauce - salty and strong
>onions beans - pretty "nothing"
Probably not much of anything.

a lot of games use to have a combination of publishers or devs working on the same titles for multiple consoles/pc's. Best example off the top of my head is the Aladdin games for SNES and Genesis.


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im talking and asking about who the fuck started the trend you absolute sperg redditranny ass cock sucker piece of shit you fucking retard faggot ass nigger, if you're gonna help then do it, dont try so hard to fit in faggot.


dont know why you keep talking about onions when he said nothing about onions.

Nintendo's greedy ass is who really turned it into a profitable venture.

my onyouns sauce is salty and strong if you know what i mean

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Forgot about the filter.

retard, exclusivity of IP rights traded for funding is present across the ENTIRE arts industry, regardless of medium. vido gams didn't invent this. you're just dumb, its ok

She's got a nice arse, what's her face like?


At the beginning could you really call them "exclusives" though? There were significant differences in hardware.

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>didnt respond to the op

kys son.

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this image is literally disgusting to me.

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>How do you think these studios acquire $30 million 3 years before the game's release date?

that's because you're gay