
Anybody got any good builds for Daniel MM? I just get raped by all the level 30+ survivors with unlimited grenades, tyrone kick, martin flash, jill rocket launcher, sparkshots, becca unlimited rocket launcher.

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i want to rape january

Does the movement buff equipment for MMs also increase the movespeed of Bioweapons?

permaban all pussy ass mms that quit on the 3rd map


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what if she farted while doing that lolz

>Area 3 of the funhouse
>set up a nice tricky zombie room for one of the bio-cores
>All bridges are submerged
>Becca just unlimited rocket launches the core (which is in an enclosed room) from half the map away and kill it, wasting all my resources.

FUCKING EPIC! Can someone explain the counter-play to this "strat" again? Because I can't seem to work out what it is.

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The counterplay is don't suck and play spencer biocore build

Dude just kill Becca before she enters the game lmao

Fuck Spencer. He's the only boring MM.

>Level 10,000 becca with a level 30 Jan
>Just buys Becca and Rocket Launcher from the shop and drops it to her

He's only boring if you play him boring way.

You have to play him boring ways to get him high enough level for him to not be boring.

Why is Valerie the cutest?

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Who do you need to level up to get the enhancer card that makes all creatures cost 1 less power, if it's in your hand?

Dude, it's just a hailstorm of death every 80 seconds with mixtapes, what's the big deal lmao

lol all mastermind players are crybaby fags

>letting them get to area 3

Why does anyone even play this busted ass game?

Yes. Somebody needs to say it so we can have positive change. Feel free to nerf Spencer, but both the others. Especially Alex.

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Wait how did she hit it if it was in an enclosed room ? And anyway you know the strats but you just want to bitch because you had one tough loss, so there's no point repeating them.

It's the room that has an open entry that isn't a door, but is otherwise enclosed. She just sat on the other side of the map and blew it up. Didn't need to raise any bridges or anything.

I don't know the strats. Please tell me how to beat unlimited rocket Becca in area 3s where there are open cores all over the place she can just snipe from half the map away.

Pay close attention to when she uses it, save your ult and immediately drop it near her. It's not guaranteed, but it's your best bet at stopping her.
Annette.It's janky as fuck but surprisingly fun.

>Becca and pic related share the same VA

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If you're having a hard time winning with Daniel's almost invincible zombies you should play a different game.

And the Becca infinite rocket launcher thing requires a Jan and Becca coordinating with each other which doesn't happen often. I rarely see a Beccas as it is, let alone with a Jan that knows to get a rocket launcher for her. You also have 2 whole areas before that to down them or run out the clock or even get her to waste her infinite ammo fever. The cooldown on a fever is usually like 90-120 seconds or so which is a decent window of time to down survivors for even more time off the clock.

It isn't easy but there are opportunities to stop her or minimize her damage. All these shitty MMs make it seem like she has inf rocket launcher activated through the whole match, but its only a few seconds with a full minute or two in between meaning if she was rocketing the bio-cores the MM did nothing to down her or trap for the entire minute or two in between each core. With 3 cores that's like 4 minutes of rocketless time to punish in. Also a camera and trap heavy build makes her rockets useless for anything besides the bio-cores. So many MMs bitch about bio-cores but they leave them undefended until the survivors are already smashing them. If the rocket launcher is OP, then so is Mr. X and Berkin since they can OHKO multiple survivors in seconds.

Masterminds are crybabies generally, but they definitely don't need a nerf.

>Play survivor because winning on MM was getting boring
>10% of MM players are legit
>70% of MM lagswitch if they start losing
>10% of them are literally cheating with infinite speed zombies that ohko you and jump between animations


I only meant Spencer. The rest don't necessarily need buffs, but survivors need nerfs.

>definitely don't need a nerf.
I don't know man, it really feels like they need to put a cooldown in between control jumping those zombies. A MM controlled zombie grabs you, pulls out, jumps into another nearby zombie, and as soon as you're out of the breaking free animation, they immediately grab you again. Repeat indefinitely.
That shit definitely needs a nerf.

how do you kill a fully armored zombie that the mm is controlling and all hes doing is mashing attack

Stop walking around solo, dipshit.

Flash him, tyrone kick him, grenade him, GL/Sparkshot/Rocket him, Martin zap mine / baton him. Fabron is admittedly hard counter or you lose: The MM.

lel ok you got fucked here, she was indeed at the right place at the right time. Having losses that are out of your control is a thing that happens in the game, on both sides but it doesn't happen as much as everyone pretends it does. If you play your cards well and plan adequatly you should still win 80% of your MM matches.

As far as strats go, use the usual tools to distract her: creatures with fast activation, turrets, glue gun, posessed Z. It usually works, though sometimes it won't but sometimes Becca will never get the Rocket launcher or get fucked by the Biocore placement as well, that's just how it is.

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